hpr3603 :: Who the heck is Evil Steve? Part 1
Security as a people problem: Who is actually attacking us? Meet Evil Steve.
Hosted by Lurking Prion on Wednesday, 2022-05-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
adminadmin, cyber security, security, threats, threat actors, Evil Steve.
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Duration: 00:14:12
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admin admin with Lurking Prion
Episode 3: Who the heck is Evil Steve?
Picking up from Episode 2: Good Idea Fairy Hunting we continue exploring the concept of security as a people problem.
This week we stop to take a moment to focus on the Who rather than the What is attacking us. In CyberSecurity, we tend to get caught up in things that happen to us, that we forget that it is actually a person attacking us. Learning more about who wants the information we have will tell us the ways they go about stealing it. This gives us information to better protect our assets and begin active threat hunting. The show is about 15 minutes long.