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hpr3534 :: Vernier caliper

Ken recommends a very useful tool for measuring stuff

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2022-02-17 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Vernier Caliper, measurement. 4.
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Duration: 00:08:39


In today's show Ken recommends a fairly affordable tool for measuring all sorts of dimensions.

An image of a Vernier caliper

From Wikipedia

  1. Outside large jaws: used to measure external diameter of an object (like a hollow cylinder) or width of an object (like a rod), diameter of an object (like a sphere).
  2. Inside small jaws: used to measure the internal diameter of an object (like a hollow cylinder or pipe).
  3. Depth probe/rod: used to measure depths of an object (like a small beaker) or a hole.
  4. Main scale (Metric): marked every millimeter and helps to measure length correct up to 1 mm.
  5. Main scale (Imperial): marked in inches and fractions.
  6. Vernier scale (Metric) gives interpolated measurements to 0.1 mm or better.
  7. Vernier scale (Imperial) gives interpolated measurements in fractions of an inch.
  8. Retainer: used to block movable part to allow the easy transferring of a measurement.


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-02-18 18:34:53 by Aaronb

At 66 Years old. . . .

I bought one about 4 years ago. I'm surprised how much I use it. Here is a nice youtube video that show how even cheap ebay versions of electronic ones are great.

Comment #2 posted on 2022-02-18 18:36:35 by Aaronb

sorry forgot the Link

Comment #3 posted on 2022-03-10 14:36:35 by Michael

Unit missmatch

Hi Ken,

nice show!
I assume your pencil is 7.5mm in diameter, not cm. Just stating the obvious, because noone else did till now :-)


Comment #4 posted on 2022-04-16 12:38:43 by Kevin O'Brien

Taking me back

Back around 1969 I had a job working in a gage calibration lab. Gages are used in manufacturing to test the dimensions of pieces as they complete a step, and come in pairs of Go/NoGo. Gages allowed for very quick tests on the line by operators. Our lab had to verify that the gages were correct. We also calibrated vernier calipers with gage blocks. Also, I did not misspell gage. That is the correct spelling for this type of device.

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