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hpr3533 :: Porridge

A show about porridge

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Hosted by dnt on 2022-02-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
porridge. 4.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:29:01


This is a show about porridge.

Episodes mentioned in this episode:

Island mentioned in this episode:,_Scotland

All the porridge:


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-02-16 07:55:18 by tuturto


Porridge is one of those things that many people probably find very mundane. But when you start digging into details, you'll discover a lot of interesting tidbits. Like what kind of grains are for animals and what are for humans varies from culture to culture and from time period to other.

Comment #2 posted on 2022-02-16 15:10:20 by Trey

Steel Cut Oats

Thank you for sharing. I absolutely LOVE steel cut oats. Much better than rolled, IMHO.

Looking forward to your next podcast topic.

Comment #3 posted on 2022-02-16 15:32:48 by Dave Morriss

Great show topic, excellent show


I was listening to this while making porridge for my breakfast. I have some steel cut oats - I live in Scotland after all - but I tend to prefer rolled oats, probably because it's what I was brought up on (in England mind you). In Scotland steel cut oats are called pin head oatmeal.

My porridge gets salt and a teaspoon of honey. I'm diabetic so I avoid sugar, but only recently found that honey has a low glycaemic index (about 50 probably) so is not going to give me a sugar high like sugar would - at least not a teaspoon of it!

I used to visit the Far East each year many years ago, and I became quite keen on rice porridge - congee. It's very bland but is eaten with lots of added stuff like pickles and roasted peanuts, and was pretty good for breakfast.

Great show. I enjoyed the ambient sound aspects a lot.

Comment #4 posted on 2022-03-18 05:08:44 by Windigo

Very informative

This episode has revealed that, although I had heard the term "porridge" before, I never realized how many of my favorite foods it encompassed. Excellent!

Also, thank you for the feedback on the "Opposing views" episode, it is much appreciated.

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