hpr2933 :: A walk through my PifaceCAD Python code – Part 1
In this series a do whirl wind tour of the Python code I developed for my PifaceCAD board
Hosted by MrX on Wednesday, 2019-10-30 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Podcasts, Linux, Command Line, Python, Raspberry Pi.
(Be the first).
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Duration: 00:14:31
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A Little Bit of Python.
Initially based on the podcast "A Little Bit of Python", by Michael Foord, Andrew Kuchling, Steve Holden, Dr. Brett Cannon and Jesse Noller. https://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/arch_d7_2009_12_19.shtml#e1138
Now the series is open to all.
In this series a do whirl wind tour of the Python code I developed to control my PifaceCAD raspberry pi add on board. I this use to control a music player running on a remote raspberry pi upstairs.
In this episode I cover my use of global variables.
List of global variables along with associated comments explaining what they are used for
RemoteDevice = "pi@"
# Username and ip address of the remote device to control
SeekMin = -6
# Sets the minimum value of the variable SeekPosition
SeekMax = 6
# Sets the maximum value of the variable SeekPosition
SeekPosition = 0
# stores seek menu position,
SeekMenu = False
# used to track seek menu state, ie are we in seek menu or not
FirstPass = True
# Used to track 1st time button 5 (backlight toggle) is pushed, turns off blinkstick
LcdLightOn = False
# used to track toggle sate of backlight button 5
MenuMin = 0
# Sets the minimum value of variable "Menu"
MenuMax = 2
# Sets the maximum value of variable "Menu"
Menu = 0
# global variable used to keep trak of selected menu
IrActive = False
# used to track toggle state of active infrared buttons, when false disables
# all buttons on the remote control except the blue button.
StoredTime = 0
# Stores curent time in seconds when a button is pushed, used by double button tap feature
#GET_IP_CMD = "hostname –all-ip-addresses"
# Debian 7 wheezy, Command to get IP adress
GET_IP_CMD = "hostname --all-ip-addresses | cut -d' ' -f1"
# Debian 8 jessie, Command to get IP adress
#GET_ESSID_CMD = "iwconfig wlan0 | grep 'ESSID:' | cut -d':' -f2"
# Debian 7 wheezy, Command to get wifi ESSID
GET_ESSID_CMD = "/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 | grep 'ESSID:' | cut -d':' -f2"
# Debian 8 wheezy, Command to get wifi ESSID
GET_WIFI_STRENGTH_CMD = "/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 | grep 'Link Quality=' | awk '{ print $2 }'"
# Command to get wifi signal strength