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hpr2932 :: Stardrifter RPG Playtest Part 10

Lostnbronx and friends playtest a new, original RPG system.

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Hosted by lostnbronx on Tuesday, 2019-10-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-0 license.
rpg, gaming, stardrifter, game construction, playtest. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:54:15
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Tabletop Gaming.

In this series, initiated by klaatu, analog games of various sorts are described and reviewed. See for details.

This episode is Part 10 of the Stardrifter role-playing game playtest. The series is composed of two playtest sessions, held earlier this year. They were recorded and chopped into manageable bites, then edited down into separate episodes.

This series is meant to give listeners some insight into the RPG construction process. Playtesting is not the final step, but rather, just another stage. The construction of an RPG can be convoluted, and feedback from players is absolutely vital.

It’s not unusual for a game master to have two sets of maps for an adventure: one is for the players, which only has the sort of information on it that their characters might reasonably have access to; the other is NOT for the players, as it shows all the special information they shouldn’t know about (at least, not all at once). This is where you’d make note of secret doors, hidden objects or enemies, and/or, as in the case of this playtest, the physical condition of the ship as it stands at the moment.

Player Map
Player Map

Game Master Map
Game Master Map

Additionally, here’s a zip file containing the adventure, the maps, the floor plan descriptions, some miscellaneous non-player characters, and the Stardrifter RPG rules in EPUB format. Again, these are no longer the LATEST version of the rules, but they are what we used for these episodes.

In this final part of the mini-series, the players provide their hard-working game designer with some valuable feedback, observations, and general opinions!

Special thanks to my playtesters in this episode: Thaj, Mark (who was playing Brinn), and X1101!


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-12-24 16:07:22 by Gabriel Evenfire

Loved the series

Hey lostinbronx,

Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed listening to this series. I'm a long-time RPG player, but can't say I've ever done a space opera game. This was really more due to lack of friends w/ similar interests than lack of interest on my part. Well that land lack of hours in a day. :) It was fun to listen to and at times want to yell through the speakers "no no, don't do that, do this!". That included a few of the rule suggestions. I, like you, enjoy systems that get out of the way of the storytelling. (though I still like some "crunch" to them)

Anyway, thanks for the chance to listen to another foray into the Stardrifter Universe.

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