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hpr2890 :: Penguicon 2019 Report

Penguicon 2019 took place on May 3-5, 2018 in Southfield, Michigan

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Thumbnail of Ahuka
Hosted by Ahuka on Friday, 2019-08-30 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Penguicon, Open Source, Convention. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:14:03
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Penguicon is a Non-Profit, Open Source - Science Fiction Convention held in Southfield, Michigan. See the website at or the Wikipedia page at

Penguicon 2019 is a combined technology and science fiction convention in Southfield, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit, and presents over 500 hours of programming over the entire weekend. Of this, around 100 hours are open source, tech-related. In this episode I tell you about my own personal experience at Penguicon this year.


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-08-31 13:04:02 by Dave Morriss


Hi Ahuka,

I always enjoy your reports from Penguicon. This one was great!

As to your reflection on the pronunciation of the word "solder" I have a few remarks:

- The word is derived from the Latin "solidare" - to make solid

- Yes, the British do generally pronounce it to rhyme with "colder" and "folder". This seems to make sense given that its form is very similar. Pronouncing "folder" as "fodder", even in dialect, would be very confusing, for example.

- The French equivalent is "souder", which sounds (to my ears) like "sooday".

- I have seen it suggested that the USA pronunciation is derived from the French.

Language is fun! I recently bought a Chinese hot air soldering gun (SMD Rework Station) from Amazon. I particularly like the legend on the box which says:

"Soft and spiral wind can welds all chips"

Words to live by ;-)

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