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hpr2889 :: Describing how I listen to podcasts PART 2

In this episode I cover the hardware I've used over the years to listen to podcasts.

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Hosted by MrX on Thursday, 2019-08-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Audio, Podcasts, Linux, Command Line, PDA, hardware. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:17:32
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Short Summary

In this series I cover how I listen to podcasts and how the process has change over the years. In this episode I cover the hardware I’ve used over the years to listen to podcasts.

  • Link to HPR 2112 (Home Server) episode mentioned in this podcast

  • Link to HPR 2106 (Hpodder) Episode mentioned in this podcast

  • The cordless headphones I use are analogue cordless headphones they operate in the UHF 860 MHz RF spectrum and use Frequency modulation

  • (Picture 01) shows a pair of JVC cordless headphones, these were my first pair of cordless headphones, from memory they were reasonably comfortable and lasted a reasonably long time, they eventually gave way when the strap along the top completely split if you look carefully you can see evidence of this in the picture. Picture-01.JPG

  • I think my 2nd set pair of cordless headphones were made by Phillips, unfortunately I don’t have a picture of these. The headphones were too big and kept falling from my head.

  • (Picture 02) shows a pair of Sony headphones that I can’t even remember owning! I’ve lost count of how many cordless headphones I’ve owned over the years, these were also too big and regularly fell off my head, there are probably other pairs which I have forgotten about. It took a lot of trial an error to find a pair that would fit properly. Picture-02.JPG

  • I think my 3rd set of cordless headphones were a cheap pair from Liddles, unfortunately I don’t have a picture of these again these were also too big.

  • (Picture 03) Shows my current set of cordless headphones, unfortunately my camera refused to work while taking this picture so you’ll not be able to identify the manufacturer which is a great pity as they are absolutely great also the lighting in here is very bad so you won’t be able to make out the writing printed on them :) Picture-03.JPG

  • Compaq N610C laptop

  • Screen

  • EEE PC Laptop

  • Pictures (04 and 05) are of my Nokia N810 Picture-04.JPG

  • Below is a link from wikipedia covering the Nokia N810.

  • Links to shows where klaatu references the Nokia N770 which came out before the Nokia N810 but is very similar

  • Nexus 7, first generation

  • Psion 3C

  • Raspberry pi


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