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hpr2454 :: The Alien Brothers Podcast - S01E02 - Strictly Hacking

Casper and Rutiger discuss the Uber hacks and the Intel ME known and unknown vulnerabilties

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Thumbnail of The Alien Brothers Podcast (ABP)
Hosted by The Alien Brothers Podcast (ABP) on Thursday, 2017-12-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Uber Hack, Intel ME, Alien Brothers. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:46:29
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Casper and Rutiger attempt to STAY ON TARGET by discussing hacking… which when you think about it is an utterly pretentious and vague goal for a podcast presented by Hacker Public Radio, especially when considering the end result. Shame on us!

Other topics include Friendsgiving and giving thanks; probably the greatest gaming console of the 1970’s; early “hackings” (sic) committed by the hosts; << >>


  1. The link to the first chapter of Dief Minusky’s seminal the Nature of Systems is freely available here.
    Although we referred to the Chapter 8 material on system network security during the show, Rutiger decided it was better to release chapters, incrementally, in order let listeners gain a fuller appreciation for the work. Rutiger is also attempting to track down the original author, who never publicly released the work, to gain retroactive permission for this link, but for the moment Alien Brothers Podcast takes full responsibility for allowing access to this non-copyrighted work and we’ll just go ahead, you know, feel good about the possibility it will all turn out OK.
  2. Uber Data Breach (2017;
  3. How to Disable the Intel Management Engine Backdoor


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-12-28 20:15:53 by Trucker Rich

Delivery and Content

The two of you came across as arrogant and I feel like you tried to hijack the HPR audience. I am not "your listener". I am a regular listener of HPR and it is pretty apparent that neither of you have listened for any length of time. If you had then you would have heard klaatu a hundred times or more. You would understand what is meant by "open source" and "free software" for this community. You would have realized that most of the hosts are just as "f****** smart" or smarter than you claim to be.
That being said, I did appreciate some of the topics that you touched upon. You could do a whole show on the Bally Astrocade instead of a just a brief diversion. The Huawei background and info could be another show.
Anyway, thanks for contributing.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-01-03 00:02:43 by Casper

Delivery and Content

Thank you for the feedback.

We are committed to doing better work in the years ahead. We do not want to hijack the community, only provide content and contribute to the community to keep it moving along.

We are working to cross-collaborate with other members of the HPR community to better tune our delivery.

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