The Alien Brothers Podcast (ABP)
: 359
The Alien Brothers Podcast is written?, recorded, and produced? by Rutiger and Casper. Check out their noise experiments here (on hpr)
hpr2485 :: The Alien Brothers Podcast - S01E05 - I Saw the Invisible Man
Casper and Rutiger discuss the now-old-by-internet-standards news of New York Times piece about real
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr2464 :: The Alien Brothers Podcast - S01E04 - Digital Instruments
Casper and Rutiger Detail their Digital and Analog Sonic Setups in IOS and Android
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr2460 :: The Alien Brothers Podcast - S01E03 - Decline of American Empire
The Alien Brothers penetrate the Van Allen belt to tap in, and transmit an intergalactic podcast
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr2454 :: The Alien Brothers Podcast - S01E02 - Strictly Hacking
Casper and Rutiger discuss the Uber hacks and the Intel ME known and unknown vulnerabilties
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr2419 :: Alien Brothers Podcast S1E01 - Introduction
Meet the Alien Brothers: Casper and Rutiger. Two tech junkies that take nothing sacred