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hpr2419 :: Alien Brothers Podcast S1E01 - Introduction

Meet the Alien Brothers: Casper and Rutiger. Two tech junkies that take nothing sacred

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Hosted by The Alien Brothers Podcast (ABP) on Thursday, 2017-11-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
video games, video cards, first podcast. 1.

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Duration: 02:06:24
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This was an impromptu inaugural episode recorded in Bethany Beach, DE.

Casper and Rutiger work in the tech field and enjoy video games and popular media. We discuss the enigma that is the Handmaid's Tale, Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, the movie Kids, video games from paperboy to Quake to Fallout 4. We comedically discuss the disillusionment that one can incur working in the cubical jungle. We also discuss going back to minimum wage after enjoying a high paying tech industry.

We also reference obscure and not well-known music like Slint.

The sound quality is not great in this episode, as it was an impromptu recording. All future episodes will be produced at a much higher quality


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-11-15 18:33:55 by Klaatu

shows like these

It's episodes like this one that make me want to quit podcasting, because I'll never reach this level of greatness. It's so disjointed and natural that you think it couldn't possibly have been planned, but it's so coherent and persistent that there's no way it couldn't have been scripted.

The characters in it have mysterious backstories ("you saved my life, Casper"), they cut to empty commercial breaks, they come up with the name for the series in the episode itself, they talk about how they'll talk about movies but then barely talk about movies, they talk about video games but can't decide on how to categorize them, the hosts barely even know one another's handles. AND YET THEY PULL THROUGH. It's gripping and triumphant.

This is some amazing avant garde audio. Well done, Alien Brothers. Well done.

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