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hpr2432 :: Living with the Nokia 6 – an update to HPR 2405

An update to my show on the Nokia 6 phone

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Hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212 on Tuesday, 2017-11-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Android, Nokia 6, Phones, New Kit, OnePlus1. 3.

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Duration: 00:05:16
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Living with the Nokia 6 – an update to HPR 2405

I’ve now been using the Nokia 6 for about 2 months and just wanted to update listeners to my thoughts on the phone.

First a response to Dave who said on the Community News that as he had a OnePlus 1 he was surprised I found it inadequate. The One+1 is a great phone, my problem with it was it does not support O2’s 4G network although it supports EE’s and 3’s 4G networks here in the UK, as I use GiffGaff which runs on the O2 network I have not been able to benefit from their 4G offer and I don’t want to change provider. Also the One+1 was stuck on CyanogenMod 13.1 (Android 6) and no longer got updates, so this was the reason for the new phone purchase. I’ve now flashed Lineage OS onto the One+1 and have a secure backup phone or one I can pass on to my Wife at some stage.

Back to the Nokia, now I’ve lived with the phone for a few weeks I can say I am more than happy with it, and some of the issues with battery life I have found are unfounded once you configure some of the settings to be more battery friendly, such as restricting background access to the net for most aps the battery life is well over a day's use. At night in stand by mode over 8 hours battery use is less than 1% so even with moderate to heavy use I can get a day out of the phone without any risk of running out. Also if the official charger and cable are used a 1 hour charge gives about a 30-40% battery capacity, so not as slow as the reviews I’ve read. Would I still buy it having used it for 2 months, I would say yes to that, and I also have no issues with recommending it as a large format phone at a budget price.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-11-30 16:12:31 by Dave Morriss

Cheers Tony

Thanks for the clarification. I'm also on giffgaff but wasn't aware of the 4G issue and the OnePlus 1. I scarcely use my phone and am currently using a fraction of the data I pay for each month, so I don't see this being a problem!

Comment #2 posted on 2017-11-30 19:01:35 by RWA

Nokia 6 Update

I was wondering how the Snapdragon 430 processor it is doing with the apps you run. The Nokia 6 interested me when it first appeared but I had concerns about the 430 processor. Everything else was a major plus for me - screen size, fingerprint scanner, NFC & metal build.

Any comments, especially compared to other mid-tier phones like the Moto G5S Plus.

Comment #3 posted on 2017-12-01 08:23:49 by Tony Hughes

Reply to RWA re App performance

I've been using the phone now for over 2 months and the performance is better than the old Oneplus1 all the apps I use are snappy and responsive with no lag that I can detect. I can't compare to any other phone as I've not used anything else during this time, and I am not a mobile gamer (or any type off, for fact) so can not say what game performance is like on the phone but I think it stands up to most mid range devices well. If it hadn't been for the 4G issue I would probably have stuck with the Oneplus1 and just flashed it and saved myself the £200m but I'm happy and my wife will get an upgrade to her Nexus 4 at some stage.

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