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hpr2431 :: Information Underground: Local Control

Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx natter on about local participation and responsibility.

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Hosted by lostnbronx on Monday, 2017-11-27 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
community, information underground, klaatu, deepgeek, lostnbronx. 1.

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Duration: 00:40:31
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Information Underground.

Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx discuss things.


Deepgeek, Klaatu, and Lostnbronx discuss communities, real and virtual, and get to the heart (or not) of the confluent issues surrounding modern confusion, apathy and despair with their leadership.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-12-02 02:21:33 by Zen_Floater2

Benevolent Dictator of the Magical Forrest

I was amused at the Debian comment about not being transparent.
I will accept that. I don't use Debian anymore since Crunch Bang has ended but,,,,
Debian is a community run distro. So is FreeBSD. So is NetBSD.
So is Gentoo. So is Void Linux and Arch Linux.
But of the non-transparent distributions such as OpenBSD which is run by a Benevolent Dictator known as Theo,,, OR Slackware which is run by the Benevolent Dictator known as Patrick,,,,, they too make really solid distro's which a great many people love.
But as an aged old man, it does make me smile at the comments of our FOSS Youth who, complain they simply don't like non-transparent governments yet, they stand by their monarch derived OS's. Not that I'm complaining that your human....

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