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hpr2400 :: My commute into work

In this episode, Dave records an episode across his entire commute into work.

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Thumbnail of thelovebug
Hosted by thelovebug on Friday, 2017-10-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
commute, car, cars, driving, podcasting, equipment, podcasting equipment, anchor,, the bugcast. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:36:48
Download the transcription and subtitles.


In this episode, Dave records an episode across his entire commute into work.

Hacker Public Radio episodes by me so far:

How am I recording

I'm recording this episode, in my car, on a Samsung Galaxy A5 with a Neewer lavalier microphone (as recommended by HPR's own Jon Kulp) attached to my jacket, recording using the Auphonic Edit Android app (also on iOS).

Post-recording, I also ran the audio recorded using AuphonicEdit to the Auphonic website for levelling.

My portable podcasting setup

(previously mentioned on hpr2117) and used to record Sat On My Doorstep 1 - Alex, published to Anchor on 2017-09-13)

As an aside*

Both Caroline and I use that particular microphone each to record The Bugcast each week. Both the Samson and AudioTechnica microphones have been recommended by Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity To Podcast for those podcasters who cannot afford professional level equipment.

The cars I have owned

This list may contradict the detail provided in the episode... that's because I may have made a few errors in recollection when I was recording.

Shameless plugs

I also guested on:

Drive statistics

  • From Conisbrough to New Ollerton (rough location map)
  • roughly 28 miles
  • roughly 36 minutes


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