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hpr2399 :: Using Super Glue to create Landmarks on Keyboards

Using Super Glue to create Landmarks on Keyboards

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Hosted by dodddummy on Thursday, 2017-10-12 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
keyboard, function key, laptop keyboard. 8.

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Duration: 00:10:39
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Using Super Glue to create Landmarks on Keyboards


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-10-12 14:56:23 by jan


hi and thanks for your efford.

you have been working on a Mainframe? please consider podcasting on how things are done in the world of mainframes.

thx jan (germay)

Comment #2 posted on 2017-10-17 08:11:02 by dodddummy

Shows on the mainframe

I've considered doing some shows on the mainframe. So far I haven't because I'm leery of using work assets for non work reasons. I would need to do that.

However, I do have a show in the works on my favorite editor, The Hybrid Editor, XE which works like the standard mainframe(ISPF) editor.

Might also do a show on the mainframe emulator, Hercules.

There are related topics I could do without using work resources,
though. Rexx and COBOL come to mind.

But it's not likely I'll do a show on my day to day work on the mainframe.

Comment #3 posted on 2017-10-30 18:54:12 by Shane Shennan

Great Episode!

Thanks for this idea! I often work with people who are learning to touch type, but who do not have much feeling in their fingertips. I'll be suggesting your hack to them so that they can feel the F and J keys more easily.

Comment #4 posted on 2017-11-01 04:19:25 by dodddummy


@Shane Shennan. I hadn't considered the accessibility use. I'll keep it in mind. For what it's worth, the landmarks I added are still holding up.

Comment #5 posted on 2017-11-06 10:36:24 by dodddummy

Replying to comments from community episode

I agree that I might be able to get permission to use work resources on my own time assuming there is information I'm legally bound not to reveal and doesn't contain proprietary information.

But asking for that permission is more effort that I want to make.

I'll see what I can muster without work resources.

Comment #6 posted on 2017-11-14 01:13:28 by dodddummy

ctrl vs fn keys

In the #oggcasplanet IRC channel in freenode, Klaatu mentioned a use for this that more people might have. I had it myself and didn't consider using this.

That use is to distinguish between the left ctrl and fn keys on laptops. For example ctrl is usually in the bottom left most position on HP laptops, whereas those two keys are reversed on Lenovos.

I've used this method to mark the ctrl on both. For what it's worth, I decided to use 3 dots of super glue in a horizontal line on the key because sometimes my finger hits that key in different places.

Chose to mark the ctrl instead of the fn key because the ctrl is the one i need to use most often and the ctrl key is not in the same position relative to the fn key on different keyboards.

Comment #7 posted on 2018-01-02 07:13:46 by dodddummy

One more use case and a generalization

At about the same time I created this episode, I got a monitor from AOC. You can access the settings menu via 3 physical buttons on the from of the right bezel. The problem is they are those buttons you can't really feel. There are labels on them but those labels are hard to feel, too.

This resulted in numerous failed attempts to make needed adjustments. Frustrated me enough I've used one monitor for the past couple of weeks.

Today I finally got around to solve this problem. At first I put the monitor on it's back so I could get a good look see. With good lighting I was able to see the buttons clearly and make the necessary adjustments and have dual monitors again. Hooray!

In on of the most epic DUH! moments, I thought ot this episode and added landmarks to those buttons. So far so good.

If you have something that would benefit from tactile landmarks, superglue might be the answer.

Comment #8 posted on 2018-11-23 13:11:07 by dodddummy

There's nothing new under the sun.

Found this and, of course, this is NOT a new idea.

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