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hpr2335 :: Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF Handset part 9

An in depth series about the Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF hand-held transceiver.

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Hosted by MrX on 2017-07-14 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Amateur Radio. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:15:12

HAM radio.

A series about all things Amateur Radio/HAM Radio.

In this episode I cover the menus 25 to 40 of the Baofeng UV5R VHF / UHF Hand Held Transceiver

  • Menu 25, SFT-D - Frequency Shift Direction [ - / + / 0 ] (Duplex shift)

  • Menu 26, OFFSET - Frequency shift amount - Values (MHz) [ 00.000 - 69.990 ]

  • Menu 27, MEM-CH - Store a Memory Channel [ 000 -- 127 ]

  • Menu 28, DEL-CH - Delete a memory channel [ 000 -- 127 ]

  • Menu 29, WT-LED - Display back-light colour (Standby) [ BLUE, ORANGE, PURPLE, OFF ]

  • Menu 30, RX-LED - Display back-light colour (Receive) [ BLUE, ORANGE, PURPLE, OFF ]

  • Menu 31, TX-LED - Display back-light colour (Transmitt) [ BLUE, ORANGE, PURPLE, OFF ]

  • Menu 32, AL-MOD - Alarm Mode, Activated when Orange button Held [ SITE, TONE, CODE ]

  • Menu 33, BAND - Band Selection [VHF/UHF]

  • Menu 34, TDR-AB - Transmit selection in Dual Watch mode [ A / B / OFF ]

  • Menu 35, STE (Squelch Tail Elimination) [ ON / OFF ]

  • Menu 36, RP-STE - Squelch Tail Elimination through a repeater [ 1-10 OFF]

  • Menu 37, RPT-RL - Delay the squelch tail of re-peater [ 1 - 10 OFF ]

  • Menu 38, 38 PONMGS - Power On Message [ Full / MSG ]

  • Menu 39, Roger Beep, Wikipedia [ ON / OFF ]

  • Menu 40 RESET - Restore defaults [ VFO / ALL ]


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