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hpr2334 :: Our Adventure Begins!

I discuss Colossal Cave Adventure and the adventure of playing it with my son.

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Thumbnail of Claudio Miranda
Hosted by Claudio Miranda on Thursday, 2017-07-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
foss, adventure, gaming, bsdgames, textadventure. 4.

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Duration: 00:16:06
Download the transcription and subtitles.


In this HPR episode, I discuss the open-sourcing of Colossal Cave Adventure (a text adventure computer game), my childhood exposure to text adventure games, and passing along the text adventure torch to my middle son thanks to the "bsdgames" package.

Opening sound clip taken from "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey." Closing song is "The Free Software Song" performed by Mark Forry, Yvette Osborne, Ron Fox, Steve Finney, Bill Cope, Kip McAtee, Ernie Provencher, Dan Auvil (

IRC: ClaudioM on, #oggcastplanet


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-07-13 22:30:35 by Kevin

Right with you on this. I was born in 1966. Very interesting to go over origin of games and where they are now. Would love to hear more like this.

Comment #2 posted on 2017-07-14 12:42:38 by ClaudioM

Thanks, Kevin. I hope to actually give Frotz a try with the Zork code that is available online so that I can do an episode on it.

Comment #3 posted on 2017-07-16 19:54:50 by Dave Morriss


This was great!

At my first job at the University of Lancaster around 1977/78 there was a copy of Adventure installed on the ICL 1900 mainframe which many of us played during lunch breaks. We had the FORTRAN source and were not above peeking at it to try and work out some of the puzzles! It was quite addictive, I remember.

Thanks for the show.

Comment #4 posted on 2017-07-18 13:18:54 by ClaudioM

Re: Nostalgia

Glad you enjoyed it, Dave! I'll be downloading Open Adventure on my Fedora laptop to see if it will compile there since it wouldn't work in Termux. I did get Zork to work using Frotz in Termux (it's available in the repo for Termux and the Zork game files are downloadable online), so I'll surely be doing an episode on that soon as a sequel to this one.

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