hpr2285 :: The Tick Conspiracy
A show that covers the ongoing war between ticks (may they rot in hell) and everything else.
Hosted by TheDUDE on Friday, 2017-05-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Ticks, Paranoia, Comedic, Informative?.
(Be the first).
Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 00:10:21
Download the transcription and
Reminder: This show is released in .ogg a non patent encumbered format.
- https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/avoid/in_the_yard.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/avoid/on_people.html
- https://animals.mom.me/animals-eat-deer-ticks-10003.html
- https://www.caryinstitute.org/newsroom/opossums-killers-ticks
- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/04/06/2017-may-very-bad-year-lyme-disease/100120496/