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hpr2284 :: Resurrecting a dead ethernet switch

Replacing a failing capacitor in the power supply of an ethernet switch to make it work again.

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Hosted by mirwi on Thursday, 2017-05-04 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Ethernet switch, capacitor, power supply. 3.

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Duration: 00:14:53
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In this episode I simply let you participate with me replacing an electrolytic capacitor in the power supply of an Ethernet switch.

The broken capacitor shows a bulge in its housing and was therefore easily identifiable. The supply voltage in the fault condition could be observed with an oscilloscope to completely collapse when load is turned on. Both facts are illustrated in the image below.

Replacing the capacitor fixed the switch and brought it back in service.

Faulty capacitor


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-05-05 06:50:26 by Krayon

Good job!

Good job mirwi, if only all hardware was so easy to get into and repair :/

Comment #2 posted on 2017-05-05 19:50:42 by Jonathan Kulp

well done

I loved hearing this! I really like the real-time fixing a broken object part of it, but I would also like to hear more explanation of some of the stuff you were talking about with respect to measurements using the multimeter and analysis using the oscilloscope. Great show!

Comment #3 posted on 2017-06-03 17:58:18 by jwp

great show

wow hard ware really can last forever

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