hpr2068 :: Podcasts I listen to and how I fetch them.
As I drive to work, I rattle off a short list of podcasts that I listen to and how I fetch them.
Hosted by Christopher M. Hobbs on Wednesday, 2016-07-06 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcasts, podget, podracer, gPodder, RockBox, Sansa Clip+.
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Duration: 00:08:35
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Podcast recommendations.
This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio listeners can share and recommend podcasts that they listen to.
Right out of my ~./podget/serverlist:
- https://thelinuxlink.net/tllts/tllts.rss TECH The Linux Link
- https://duffercast.org/feed/podcast/ CULTURE The Duffercast
- https://exworker.libsyn.com/rss/ SOCIETY The Ex-Worker
- https://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_ogg_rss.php TECH Hacker Public Radio
- https://feeds.feedburner.com/thememorypalace/ STORIES The Memory Palace
- https://feeds.themoth.org/themothpodcast/ STORIES The Moth
- https://www.ourbattletech.com/feed/ GAMES Our BattleTech
- https://wfmu.org/podcast/FC.xml CULTURE WMFU Radio Free Culture
- https://hourofslack.libsyn.com/rss/ BOB Subgenius Hour of Slack
- https://feed.thisamericanlife.org/talpodcast NPR This American Life
- https://kpfa.org/program/puzzling-evidence/feed/ BOB Puzzling Evidence
- https://2600.com/otw-broadband.xml TWOSIXZEROZERO Off the Wall
- https://2600.com/oth-broadband.xml TWOSIXZEROZERO Off the Hook
- https://radioopensource.org/feed/ SOCIETY Open Source
- https://feed.loveandradio.org/loveplusradio STORIES Love and Radio
- https://feeds.podtrac.com/luI2ebVqX-WW TECH OReilly Hardware Podcast
- https://embedded.fm/?format=rss TECH EmbeddedFM
- podget - https://podget.sourceforge.net/
- podracer - https://podracer.sourceforge.net/
- gPodder - https://gpodder.org
I can supply my podgetrc upon request. It’s pretty basic.