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hpr2068 :: Podcasts I listen to and how I fetch them.

As I drive to work, I rattle off a short list of podcasts that I listen to and how I fetch them.

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Thumbnail of Christopher M. Hobbs
Hosted by Christopher M. Hobbs on Wednesday, 2016-07-06 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcasts, podget, podracer, gPodder, RockBox, Sansa Clip+. 3.

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Duration: 00:08:35
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Right out of my ~./podget/serverlist:



I can supply my podgetrc upon request. It’s pretty basic.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-07-06 13:36:42 by cybergrue

GPodder was slow in my case because it was indexing all the files in its folder to maintain an internal database. You can set options in the GPodder options to delete files after x number of days. Also you can manually clean up files in the application. That said, never delete the underlying files because it will cause the GPodder database to become desynchronized which causes its own set of problems.

Comment #2 posted on 2016-07-07 17:03:22 by Frank

As a Slackware user, I sort of kind of knew of the Church of the Subgenius, praise Bob, but I had not stumbled over their podcast.

All I can say is, how very strange.

Just as an aside, I use podget to get my pods. I used to use podracer until it didn't like me any more.

None of that fancy GUI stuff for me.:)

Comment #3 posted on 2016-07-21 08:34:24 by folky

Thank you for your show!
I too use podget (I talked about it earlier - HPR1992). My podget saves nearly all files in folders named with date. You get this by setting %YY%-%MM%-%DD% after the feed-urls in your serverlist. This way you can listen chronologically and can easy delete all you listened to without the need to know it for every file. You didn't have to use cleanup-function of podget either.

Did you set MOST_RECENT=xx in your podgetrc? I set it to 30 and it works.

On the question of syncing between devices I recommend to use rsync. You can take a look at the script I wrote for inspiration.

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