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hpr2067 :: Haste - the pastebin alternative

How to install your own haste server

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Hosted by John Duarte on Tuesday, 2016-07-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
haste, haste-server, haste-client, javascript, nodejs, npm. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:09:16
Download the transcription and subtitles.



A walk through of installing haste as an open source federated alternative.

See the project at

I ran into project this while following John Kulp’s notes on his blather intro.

Installing node.js

Installing via a package manager. See nodejs website for most up-to-date information. Commands given below are just for reference.

RedHat based systems

curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
sudo yum install -y nodejs

Debian based systems

curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Upgrade npm

npm install npm -g


Take a look at the haste-server project on github

Clone haste-server git repository

git clone
cd haste-server

Choose storage method


  • file system
  • redis
  • memcached

If you will be using the file system storage method, delete storage section in config.js using your favorite text editor.


npm install
npm start &

Use server

You can now browse to your new haste-server at the server name or ip at port 7777. Follow the icon links on the page for usage.


Using shell to add content

Create a bash alias to pipe files to the haste file server.

Add the following to your .bashrc file:

haste() { a=$(cat); curl -X POST -s -d "$a" $HASTE_SERVER/documents | awk -v server="$HASTE_SERVER" -F '"' '{print server"/"$4}'; }



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