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hpr2008 :: HPR needs shows to survive.

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Wednesday, 2016-04-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
HPR, community, shows, call to action, contribute. 5.

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Duration: 00:19:40
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Comment #1 posted on 2016-04-14 06:42:13 by 0xf10e

But Ken,

…I can listen to HPR and prepare my lunch at the same time, but I can't record a show and cook at the same time :(

Comment #2 posted on 2016-04-14 17:46:13 by Jonathan Kulp

sure you can!

Why not? I have recorded shows while walking to work, while riding my bike to work, while fixing the car, while driving in the car. Surely you could record a show while you cooked. All you have to do is clip the $2 microphone to your lapel, plug it into your phone, put the phone in your back pocket, hit record, and start talking while you cook. Easy!

Comment #3 posted on 2016-04-17 12:10:36 by Ken Fallon


Thanks to everyone that submitted shows. But we still have hundreds of free slots to fill. Keep the shows coming and keep sending out the message that we need contributors.

Comment #4 posted on 2016-05-01 23:19:22 by Frank

I don't quite get it

I never understood this issue: Why will HPR "die" if there are no more shows in the queue? What is the problem with a day without a show? Will the server crash with a Nullpointer exception? You said HPR has been broadcasting for more than 10!½ years. In that case we would be at show #3780-something now.

Greetings from spring-y Europe

Comment #5 posted on 2016-05-02 17:52:58 by Ken Fallon

Because it was

Hi Frank,

Back in the day, we were as relaxed in releasing shows as you suggest. It was fine for a while but then after a time, the shows were not been released as often. This is why there are only 2308 shows rather than the 3780 shows you say there should be. Around October 2010 there were a few months with very little activity, and people were saying that HPR had podfaded.

I suggested we should either end HPR or continue it.
This was prompted by a lostnbronx show "hpr0560 :: Old soldiers", which was an essay about how to gracefully end a podcast.

Following discussions the promise was made that we would continue as a community podcast. So that when the community decides it's time to finish the project, we play all the shows we have and close it down with grace and dignity.

This is why we have the text on each and every podcast. "We are a Community podcast network that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday. Today's show, like all our shows, was contributed by a HPR listener like yourself."

So no shows - no HPR. Why drag it out.


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