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hpr2007 :: My new laptop

I won an Entroware laptop at OggCamp 2015. I talk about it here

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Tuesday, 2016-04-12 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
laptop, Ubuntu, OggCamp, entroware. 4.

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Duration: 00:17:22
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My new laptop

I attended OggCamp15 in Liverpool at the end of October 2015. As usual I bought some raffle tickets as a contribution to the expenses of the (un-)conference, not paying much attention to the prizes.

Actually, the star prize was a laptop donated by Entroware, a significant sponsor of the event, one of the most impressive prizes ever offered at OggCamp. There was quite a lot of excitement about this prize.

I attended the drawing of the raffle at the end of proceedings on the Sunday. Dan Lynch (of Linux Outlaws, and a frequent organiser of OggCamp) was in attendance overseeing the selection of the raffle tickets. Various smaller prizes were won and the tension built up as the final drawing approached.

Things got very tense when the first number drawn for the laptop was called and nobody responded. Then another draw was made.

Imagine my shock and surprise when I realised I had the winning ticket! I had won the star prize in the OggCamp raffle!

Follow this link to see the full show notes for the details of the laptop.


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-04-17 12:09:15 by Ken Fallon


Strange that the person holding first ticket went mysteriously missing.

Very curious indeed.


Comment #2 posted on 2016-04-18 19:29:34 by Dave Morriss

I dunno what you're talking about

You can't prove anything, I left no trace...

Comment #3 posted on 2016-04-27 01:11:41 by Alpha32

Interesting show

Another great show, Mr Morriss. How is the entroware's hardware compatibility with other distros?

Comment #4 posted on 2016-05-02 12:27:35 by Dave Morriss


Hi Alpha32,

Glad you enjoyed the episode.

I have to admit that I have not yet tried anything else on the laptop. I was waiting to see what Ubuntu 16.04 looks like, but I will try out some live versions of some other distributions very soon.

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