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hpr1934 :: Experiencing the Meegopad T-02 Part two

Part 2 of the saga of the meegopad T-02

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Thumbnail of A Shadowy Figure
Hosted by A Shadowy Figure on Thursday, 2015-12-31 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Meegopad. 9.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:15:01
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Part 2 of "Experiencing the Meegopad T-02.

Many thanks to all the HPR contributers that inspire such great stories.

Glossary of slang terms to be updated upon show release, along with the list of sound effects contributers.

Special thanks to the following individuals from for their sound effects used throughout this episode.
Higher quality stereo copies of this episode in .Flac, Ogg, and MP3 format can be found at the following link.
Glossary of slang terms used in this episode:
"Came unglued" = going berzerk
"Sang a little song" = provided information to law enforcement
"Still" = whiskey making apparatus
"Scoring Barbies" = Picking up women
"G-Men" = Government employees. (Federal agents)
"Makerspace" = 3-D Printing facility
"Johnny Law" = Law Enforcement
"C-Note" = $100.00 bill
"Speakeasy" = illegal drinking establishment in prohibition era United States
"68 Chevelle" = 1968 Chevrolet 2-door automobile
"Ratting me out" = informing on someone
"Frank Nitty" = 30's era Gangster, Al Capon's right hand man (Enforcer)
All characters are fictitious renditions of HPR contributers.
Nothing about any individuals character is based on anything other than my personal convenience of using their likenesses in fictitious storytelling.
No disrespect is intended in any way.
The genre that the character A Shadowy Figure lives in is hard boiled Noir.
Noir reflects a past history that had different standards than we do now.
I do not personally hold those antiquated world views. Nor do I promote them through this work of fiction. I would like to think this artistic creation does provide an opportunity to see how far we've come as a society.
But most of all, I'd like to think that you the listener, are entertained and/or inspired by this presentation.
Thank you all for your support.
A Shadowy Figure


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-12-16 03:08:38 by A Shadowy Figure

Updated Show Notes

Special thanks to the following individuals from for their sound effects used throughout this episode.




















Higher quality stereo copies of this episode in .Flac, Ogg, and MP3 format can be found at the following link.

Glossary of slang terms used in this episode:

“Came unglued” = going berzerk

“Sang a little song” = provided information to law enforcement

“Still” = whiskey making apparatus

“Scoring Barbies” = Picking up women

“G-Men” = Government employees. (Federal agents)

“Makerspace” = 3-D Printing facility

“Johnny Law” = Law Enforcement

“C-Note” = $100.00 bill

“Speakeasy” = illegal drinking establishment in prohibition era United States

“68 Chevelle” = 1968 Chevrolet 2-door automobile

“Ratting me out” = informing on someone

“Frank Nitty” = 30's era Gangster, Al Capon's right hand man (Enforcer)


All characters are fictitious renditions of HPR contributers.
Nothing about any individuals character is based on anything other than my personal convenience of using their likenesses in fictitious storytelling.
No disrespect is intended in any way.

The genre that the character A Shadowy Figure lives in is hard boiled Noir.
Noir reflects a past history that had different standards than we do now.
I do not personally hold those antiquated world views. Nor do I promote them through this work of fiction. I would like to think this artistic creation does provide an opportunity to see how far we've come as a society.

But most of all, I'd like to think that you the listener, are entertained and/or inspired by this presentation.

Thank you all for your support.

A Shadowy Figure

Comment #2 posted on 2016-01-01 04:54:47 by Frank

It was a rainy day.

Gloomy. Sad and empty. There was rain and not much else.

But I had errands to run. Gloom or not, errands must be run.

I found myself driving up the street in my little pick-up truck, recycling waiting to be recycled in the bed, listening to some fellow who called himself "A Shadowy Figure."

He was saying stuff.

I wanted a drink, but I had left the Scotch at home. Any Scotch is better than every anything else, but, if you have no Scotch, you have to make do.

I was beginning to wonder to myself, has this Shadowy Figure fellow taken his shtick one step too far.

Then he said something.

And I found myself laughing out loud all by myself in my little pick-up truck.

Comment #3 posted on 2016-01-02 01:39:34 by Jon Kulp

$2 mic

Loved it! Awesome to hear the LPL Maker Space and the $2 microphone getting some love. Looking forward to the next installment.

Comment #4 posted on 2016-01-03 20:07:08 by Dennis

Love the subtle humor...

The "prom dress" and "Groomin' poodles," comments killed. Thank goodness, I already use a "chainsaw resistant desk." In fact, mine is chainsaw proof!

Comment #5 posted on 2016-01-03 21:52:16 by Elizabeth Chandler

Entertaining ... looking forward to Shadowy Figure's next installment!

Comment #6 posted on 2016-01-04 01:32:36 by Jane V. Blanchard

I really enjoyed this episode and can't wait for the next. Well done!

Comment #7 posted on 2016-01-04 17:14:08 by A Shadowy Figure

Suitable for framing


I'm going to print your response, put it in a frame, and hang it in my studio, to encourage me to aspire to write at least half as good as you.
Every word was perfectly placed, and brought with it, it's own ambiance.

My standards have been raised, and I look forward to producing more of the same in the weeks to come.

Also, Thank you Proff. Kulp, Dennis, Elizabeth, Jane, and The mysterious Dutch overlord behind the scenes, for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement.

I look forward to living up to your expectations for the following episode.


A Shadowy Figure

Comment #8 posted on 2016-01-08 15:59:22 by Frank

[blush] I listen to a lot of OTR.

Comment #9 posted on 2016-03-10 14:18:34 by Stilvoid

I just got around to listening to part two of this having somehow missed part one. I loved it and immediately went back to listen to the first part.

A refreshing break from the usual style of HPR episodes. Can't wait for part 3 :D

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