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A Shadowy Figure

Thumbnail of A Shadowy Figure
: 308

from parts unknown, weight unknown, a shadowy figure has a murky past, with a questionable alibi for his whereabouts at any particular time.

Likes: hacking, and lurking in shadows.

Dislikes: Corporate greed, and revealing things about himself.

Uses Linux as main computing device, windows and mac as back-ups


hpr1934 :: Experiencing the Meegopad T-02 Part two

Thursday, 2015-12-31. 00:15:01. Clean. general.

Part 2 of the saga of the meegopad T-02

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1889 :: experiencing the meegopad T-02 part one

Thursday, 2015-10-29. 00:13:09. Clean. general.
MeeGoPad T02.

And now for something completely different

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1831 :: Are speed listening and slow background music compatible?

Monday, 2015-08-10. 00:06:52. Clean. general.
Speed Listening.

is there room for background music in podcasts for speed listeners?

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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