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hpr1889 :: experiencing the meegopad T-02 part one

And now for something completely different

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Thumbnail of A Shadowy Figure
Hosted by A Shadowy Figure on Thursday, 2015-10-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
MeeGoPad T02. 13.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:09
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This is HPR episode ${1889r) entitled "${experiencing the meegopad T-02 part one}". It is hosted by ${A Shadowy Figure} and is ${13} minutes long. The Summary: "${And now for something completely different}"

Apologies to speed listeners. I just couldn't make this episode speed-listener-friendly.

This episode was made out of respect and admiration for the HPR contributers mentioned throughout the show.


I barely have a clue of what I am doing. And there are mistakes all over the place in this episode. It's just something I wanted to through out there to change things up a little, and pay homage to those I admire, and with a little luck, inspire others to use their creativity to record an episode of their own.

You can do better. And I want to hear what you have to offer.

The meegopad T-02 turned out to be something I wouldn't recommend to others, and the follow-up episode to this one will be a walk through of what it takes to "hack" the T-02 into being something that is usable.

Depending on the feedback to this episode, I can either follow the theme I started with this show, or do a more traditional HPR episode with a no frills walk through of the process of hacking the T-02 to work as advertised. So let me know what you prefer.

Apologies to listeners from outside North America. The many slang terms used throughout the episode are representative of the hard boiled genre of noir to give this episode a certain "feel".

  • Dames = women
  • lucky strikes = cigarettes
  • Barbies = women
  • Kung fu grip = a GI jo action figure feature from the 70's
  • 70 Roadrunner = High performance American Muscle car by Plymouth
  • Posi traction = both rear wheels turn at the same rate at all times
  • Thermoquad = High performance carburetor
  • The elusive split tail blond fox = a pretty woman
  • Dough = money
  • Fence = seller of stolen goods
  • Capt'n Crunch = an American brand of breakfast cereal
  • Multimeter modifier = NYBill an HPR contributers
  • Rig = computer
  • Telnet = the way we used to communicate digitally before the world wide web was developed
  • TRS-80 = an early personal computer
  • clams = American dollars
  • Jacksons = $20 dollar bill
  • sega master system = the predecessor to the sega genesis gaming console (circa 1986)
  • Sony Trinitron = discontinued telivision set
  • Netgear 600= wifi router

Products mentioned in this episode

All music contained within, courtesy Kevin MacLeod of

Sound effects courtesy

  • Lonemonk
  • Rutgermuller
  • dhoy42
  • henaway
  • tuben
  • soundmary
  • knankbeeld
  • inchadney
  • kraftwerk2k1
  • elonen
  • gurdonark
  • cubic-archon
  • confusion music
  • zachfbstudios
  • husky70
  • solis2
  • magixmusic
  • dapperdaniel
  • robinhood76
  • djfroyd
  • boilingsand



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Comment #1 posted on 2015-10-30 05:48:08 by GNULinuxRTM

Execellent Episode.

Just listened while walking the Dog, on a cloudy, spooky night days before Halloween.

Loved the delivery and working in all the HPR references.

Now I gotta learn more about the meegopad T-02.

Comment #2 posted on 2015-10-30 10:38:34 by Jon Kulp


Loved it! The HPR answer to Guy Noir, Private Eye. Looking forward to the follow-up. Nice work!

Comment #3 posted on 2015-10-30 12:35:52 by Fin


Fantastic production quality! More of the same please!

Comment #4 posted on 2015-10-31 08:01:32 by A Shadowy Figure

Like your work as well GNULinuxRTM

Gotta admit, I've never seen RTM without the other letter following the "T".
The Meegopad T-02 doesn't quit fulfill it's promises, but can be useful for limited purposes.
I'd wait to hear my follow up episode, before thinking seriously about owning one.

Btw, I enjoy your delightfully cheesy transitions on your show.
Good job over all.

May stochasticity fall in your favor,

A Shadowy Figure

Comment #5 posted on 2015-11-02 23:37:03 by A Shadowy Figure

Wow, Just Wow..

I'm humbled to be mentioned in the same breath as the mighty Guy Noir Private Eye, especially coming from one of HPR's heavy hitters. Thank you John.
I was apprehensive about posting this episode being as the idea of background music wasnt well received, and I didn't want to ruffle any feathers among the listenership, or those I poked fun at.
I just wanted to share something entertaining, and have fun doing it.
Pre-production on the follow-up episode has already begun. :-)
Expect more of the same.
It ought to be fun.
And thanks for all of your support.
Now wear did I put my trench coat? (can't write noir without a fedora and trench coat, ya know.)

Comment #6 posted on 2015-11-03 20:31:54 by Anon

Ocean Club...

My name is Norman -- Lou Norman
I've been in this business for 15 years
If people have a problem and don't want to talk to the police
They want to talk to me....

Keep up the good work.

Comment #7 posted on 2015-11-04 15:37:55 by CPrompt^


Loved loved loved this show! Very well put together. Certainly raised the bar on the level of shows.

Great job and please do more!!!

Comment #8 posted on 2015-11-04 22:10:08 by Frank

As a both a mystery buff and a fan of OTR mystery shows, I found this absolutely delightful.

It was a cross between Barry Craig and Sam Spade.

Comment #9 posted on 2015-11-05 02:38:33 by David Whitman


Enjoyed this show. Thanks for the mention!

Comment #10 posted on 2015-11-05 03:30:41 by Dennis Blanchard

Good job on mysterious technology.

Competition for A Prairie Home Companion - Guy Noir: Private Eye? Well done Mr. X. Whoda thunk that technology could be a mystery? I'd write more but my Heathkit tubes have finally warmed up and I have a ham radio sked to meet.

Comment #11 posted on 2015-11-05 23:05:43 by (Mad Dog?) Dave Morriss


You really had me laughing at the dramatisation. Very cleverly done.

And there's a glossary of terms! Beautiful :-)

Comment #12 posted on 2015-11-08 22:42:33 by REL


I think I just burst a valve...

Comment #13 posted on 2015-11-09 09:35:41 by A Shadowy Figure

Production has began on Pt.2

I really didn't take into consideration that this little project of mine would be so well received, so I was completely caught off guard when it came to creating Pt.2
I was expecting to just do a straight run through on getting the T-02 up and running without even thinking about gathering more sound effects ect., then crafting something that resembles a coherent script.
So the follow up will take me about a weak or so to put together, then maybe another couple of days to tweak and edit.
The end result should be pretty cool.
But, I can see already the "story" is beginning to take precedence over the technical details of the Meegopad T-02, so it's likely there will be a Pt.3. (which will specifically address those details)
It ought to be worth it though.

Oh and as a heads up, every decent story requires a nemesis and/or villain or at least some sort of adversary as well as allies, so please don't take it personal if your nick get's cast as one of the "bad guy's".
More than likely, the cooler you are, the more despicable your character will be for absurditys sake.
It's all in fun, and no disrespect is intended.

But generally speaking, the more shows you record, the more likely you are to find your nick in a smoky pool hall or horse racing track in a future episode or series I post.

but I really want to hear, is what you've got to share.

Thank you all for your support, it is quite encouraging.

You'll hear from me soon.

A Shadowy Figure

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