hpr1768 :: An Intro To C Episode 1 : Introduction and Types
I go through the basic types and a basic introduction of myself. :)
Hosted by cjm on Wednesday, 2015-05-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
C, Programming.
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Duration: 00:32:07
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Programming 101.
A series focusing on concepts and the basics of programming
Episode 1: History and Basic Types
Explain who you are and what you do.
Name: Colin Mills, (cjm)
Occupation: Software Engineering Student in Canada
I have been a UNIX geek and open source software FANATIC for about four years now.
Website: c-jm.github.io
Start to go into the history of C and explain where it came from.
C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs,[5] and used to (re-)implement the Unix operating system.[6] It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, [7][8] with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems. C has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) > since 1989 (see ANSI C) and subsequently by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
- From: Wikipedia On C
Explain Types and their meanings
SIGNED: It means it can hold either negative or positive values.
UNSIGNED: Unsigned means it can only hold positive values.
Retrieved From: Wikipedia On Signedness
An int is a variable that is at leas 16 bits in size.
It is actually the most efficent for the processor itself.
Capable of storing -32767 -> 32767
Int Specifiers
short: 16 bits in size
short int intThatIsAShort = 0;
long: 32 bits in size
long intThatIsALong = 0;
long long: 64 bits in size
long long reallyBigInteger = 0;
One byte in memory. (8 bits).
Holds a character but can also hold a number
char thisCanHoldALetter = 'x'; char thisCanHoldANumber = 72;
Note about the ascii table
ASCII is just a number corresponding with a letter.
Look here for more information.
Holds floating point numbers
float thisIsAFloat = 72.2;
Like a float but bigger.
double thisIsADouble = 0;
Arrays are collections of multiple things
Have to be a set size.
Use braces to initalize
If you initalize one you initalize all.
int arrayOfNums[100] = {0};
"Strings" are made up of mutliple chars. (Yes it does make sense! :))
char arrayOfChars[81] = {0};
Null termination is added to the end.