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hpr1767 :: An interview with Ed Cable of the Mifos Initiative

David Whitman interviews Ed Cable of the MIFOS Iniative at Linux Fest Northwest on April 25, 2015.

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Hosted by David Whitman on Tuesday, 2015-05-12 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Microfinance, LinuxFest Northwest. 1.

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Duration: 00:11:44
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HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects

David Whitman interviews Ed Cable of the MIFOS Initiative

From their website: Mifos X is an extended platform for delivering the complete range of financial services needed for an effective financial inclusion solution.

As the industrys only open platform for financial inclusion, we provide affordable, adaptable and accessible solutions for any segment of the market, new and small financial institutions can easily start with our community app in a hosted environment, medium and large institutions that are evolving into full-service providers of financial inclusion can use our global network of IT partners to configure a Mifos X solution, and innovators can build and scale entirely new solutions on our API-driven platform.


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-05-12 09:39:21 by Mike Ray

MIFOS, great initiative

Good interview. And what a great initiative. I mean, why should the richest 2% be denied 'financial inclusion' in the developing world so that they too can join in the roller-coaster ride of boom and bust created by financiers and bankers creaming off the wealth in the good times and then blaming everybody else when things go titsup? :-p. Welcome to the wonderful world of global finance, developing world

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