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hpr1739 :: Theater of the Imagination: Part 07

Episode 07 of lostnbronx's series about dramatic audio media.

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Hosted by lostnbronx on Thursday, 2015-04-02 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
audio drama, lostnbronx, recording, hardware, art. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:27:34
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This is my series on Dramatic Audio Media, such as Old Time Radio ("The Shadow", "Gunsmoke", etc.), BBC Radio, and other classics -- but also, and most especially, the current renaissance of this art form, and how a person (like me, like you) can begin producing your own audio fiction or poetry or whatever for the enjoyment of countless others. This will be a learning process for me, and my mistakes might very well help you avoid any similar such in your own endeavors.

In Part 07, lostnbronx talks about his Tascam DR-40 solid state recording device, covers an OTR show of particular note, along with a new show that's also extremely cool, and then makes a plea for you to support your favorite artists.


The Tascam DR-40

The Zoom H4n


The Lives of Harry Lime

The Wireless Theater Company


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-09-09 06:49:16 by FiftyOneFithty

Thanks for conpairing Zoom and Tascam

This ep came to mind recently when I was asked to forward the HPR H1 to another listener. I'd been looking for an excuse to by a recorder for myself, and the Tascam DR-05 came up in the same search as the Zoom H1. It's probably apples to oranges, but LnB, your preference for the Zoom tipped the balance.

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