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hpr1738 :: Credit Card PIN breach

We expose a well known but ignored security breach

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Hosted by Various Hosts on Wednesday, 2015-04-01 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
April fools, credit card pin, security. 1.

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Duration: 01:27:20
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April Fools Shows.


Your passwords are as secure as they ever were

On September the 10th, 2012 an anonymous malicious hacker released 10,000 pin codes onto the site paste bin dot com. How the attacker gained access to the codes is not known, but it is thought that it may be linked to a breach that occurred at the end of March 2012 to the Credit card processor Global Payments. That attack exposed 1.5 million consumers financial data. These codes have been confirmed by security experts to be legitimate and in wide spread use even today. Despite this exposure been "common knowledge" among the security community, major banks and credit card companies have yet to issue any statement on the breach.

Tired of waiting for action by big business, we bring you a list of the codes so you can check for yourself if your data is compromised.


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-04-01 13:48:24 by JimZat


Thanks for this informative episode.

I was shocked to hear both my credit card PIN and my voice-mail PIN listed.

I am pleased that my ATM card PIN was not among the list of those listed.

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