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hpr1532 :: Project Idea - White-Hat Spam Bot

Knightwise and Keith discuss their fledgling open-source project to manage social media promotion.

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Thumbnail of Keith Murray
Hosted by Keith Murray on Tuesday, 2014-06-17 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
social media, schedule, distribution. 1.

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Duration: 00:15:59
Download the transcription and subtitles.


If you run a blog or a podcast, promoting your material can take as much time (or more) than content creation itself. Just like a small business marketing and promoting your efforts take time, effort and energy that can take you away from what you'd rather be doing: making great stuff.

This podcast discusses the germ of an idea, and its fledgling implementation, for creating an open-source tool for managing the distribution of posts to social media and doing it in as non-spammy a way as possible.

The premise is simple: take information from a number of disparate sources, and promote it to a number of disparate destinations. The challenge is doing it without violating the social norms of the destination networks, and without crossing the line between promotion and spaminess.


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-06-17 17:49:01 by Ken Fallon

Good plan

Good idea and also useful for HPR. Can you give us some sample files to work from please.

Can you also give us clearer view on what the Inputs and Outputs are, as well as rules that you want.

You mentioned ifthisthenthat ( IFTTT ) but reading would not lend itself to FLOSS solution.

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