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hpr1200 :: CJE Computer Jargon Explained 01

Explaining computing and internet terms that confuse and frustrate people

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Hosted by b1ackcr0w on Friday, 2013-03-08 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
technical explanation, website. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:09:16
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I had an idea for a website that aims to explain as clearly as possible, computing and internet terms that confuse and frustrate people.

It came about when a Motorsport Forum Website I work with changed their IP address and some DNS issues caused problems. In the discussion amongst the staff of the site, as soon as the technically minded staff talked about DNS and IPs and Caches, some of the staff who aren't as familiar with the terms either dropped out or even got angry because they felt they were being excluded.

That highlighted to me the need for a resource where these terms could be explained in a way that demystifies the jargon for the every man. I am thinking it could be massively useful to have a site where we can use short video files to quickly and effectively explain the who,why,where,when and what of computerspeak, that would otherwise baffle and deter friends, family and colleagues.

This idea is little more than a concept at this time. As I make progress towards getting CJA working, I shall post updates on

If you have any comments, suggestions for topics to explain, or if you want to contribute to the site. Please email me or get in touch through


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