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hpr1199 :: Old Time Radio on the web

Radio shows from the early days of radio broadcasting

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Thumbnail of Frank Bell
Hosted by Frank Bell on Thursday, 2013-03-07 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
radio, old time radio, broadcasting. 5.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:29:55
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Frank Bell talks about Old Time Radio (OTR), his history as a radio listener, and his Old Time Radio websites.

The OTR Fans site defines OTR as "Old time radio often called "OTR" refers to radio shows from the early days of radio broadcasting. The term usually applies to dramas, comedies, mystery shows, westerns and variety shows that were acted out by professional actors and sent out over the airwaves. In the golden age of radio families would sit around their radio listening to the exciting shows the way we sit around our television sets watching them today."
OTR copyright information:

Old Time Radio streaming and download sites mentioned in the show:

Streamable shows mentioned in the podcast. Note that many of the OTR shows and episodes can be found at multiple sites and that some sites may have a larger number than and different episodes from other sites. I have restricted these links to ones I know will be playable in Linux (in other words, no links to real media format).

Radio personalities mentioned in the show:


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-03-08 03:42:50 by Frank

There has to be some kind of synergy in my recording having been posted right after Lostnbronx's, in which he talked of OTR.

Yeah, I know, commenting on my own stuff etc.

Comment #2 posted on 2013-09-14 02:16:14 by Jamison

This is Sweet :) Thanks Frank+

I plan on spending sometime at these sites ;)

VLC and its plugin for Firefox (along with DownloadHelper especially for when I want to DL and speed media up to take more in like I see oldradioworld lets me) works good for me on most *nix flavors for almost any .format

Happy Listening

Comment #3 posted on 2013-09-20 21:51:55 by Muskrat Bill

Hello Frank...I love OTR...been listening to old radio shows since the early 70's.
Question...I have been using the site for years with no problem. A few days ago I started getting red security alerts from my anti virus programs. They say there is a serious malware threat. Have you heard anything about this? I really miss that site as they have a huge "information please" of my favorites. I welcome any info you can provide.

Comment #4 posted on 2014-07-26 18:29:59 by Don Frey

Cannot register, forgot password
but it has not been sent.

Comment #5 posted on 2014-08-08 13:46:56 by Mike Ray


Greate show Frank. Good to hear passion about a favourite subject. Night Beat is one of my favourites, followed by Richard Diamond and any other of the gumshow type shows. Always makes me smile to hear how things have changed, like the tobacco advertising and sponsorship in the later episodes of Richard Diamond. Rightly not allowed today

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