hpr1098 :: My Journey to Geekdom
A personal reminiscence
Hosted by bobobex on Wednesday, 2012-10-17 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
BBC Micro, ZX Spectrum 48k, RAF, Crunchbang, Lincoln LUG.
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Duration: 00:13:15
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Welcome to Becky Newborough's first solo podcast for HPR in which she invites us along on her trip down memory lane as she reminisces about how she started using tech. She has previously taken part in last year's collaborative HPR New Years eve show; jointly recorded a congratulatory message for HPR's 1000th episode and more recently at OggCamp 2012, she told us all about setting up Lincoln LUG.
Becky hopes that you have enjoyed the show.