hpr1097 :: The Cyberunions Podcast
Exploring the intersection between trade union organising and new technology
Hosted by Various Creative Commons Works on Tuesday, 2012-10-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
trade union, media freedom.
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Duration: 00:47:35
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Today it's the turn of The Cyberunions Podcast, https://cyberunions.org/. Cyberunions is a project exploring the intersection between trade union organising and new technology. Rather than seeing technology as a set of tools, we see cyberspace as a space, where people work, organise politically, are entertained and educated, and engage in many fields of human endeavour.
Todays show is The Cyberunions Podcast - Episode 46: gIMMI net freedomz https://cyberunions.org/the-cyberunions-podcast-episode-46-gimmi-net-freedomz/
We speak to Smári McCarthy of the International Modern Media Institute
1:30 May Day updates
- Good day in Mexico City
- Good article about the new and old left coming together in the US
- Interesting times across Europe
- Elections in the UK (local), France and Greece
6:00 Tech update
- Apple finally credits Open Street Maps
- Duckduckgo searches Open Street Maps if you search !osm
8:00 Interview with Smári McCarthy
- International Modern Media Institute builds media freedom best practice
- Makes Iceland the best country in the world to host information
- Time to go on the offensive to assert net freedom
- In the US, free speech is easy to suppress at local level
- Free speech laws are 200 years out of date and not fit for the information age
- Never waste a good crisis - it’s an opportunity for change
- Birgitta Jonsdottir helped promote media freedom in the Alþingi
- The financial crisis means Iceland can no longer rely on is finance sector
- Data services become a new economic sector, which is diversified and encourages entrepeneurship
- ACTA is a threat to a large portion of human endeavour and must be stopped
- Lobbyists have succeeded in entrenching intellectual monopoly protections into the Kenyan constitution - allows them to leverage East Africa
- How do unions fit into this? Where is the digital labour movement?
- The labour movement is paralysed by hierarchy - the internet challenges this and can unlock union power
- The industrial revolution was a tragic mistake
- How do you protect whistleblowers?
- You can get hosting in Iceland through Ecodis
- https://immi.is/Home
- https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/03/may-day-chicago
- https://idealab.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/05/how-openstreetmap-got-apple-to-give-it-due-credit.php
- https://www.smarimccarthy.is/about/
- https://immi.is/Home
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Althing
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Counterfeiting_Trade_Agreement
- https://ecodis.net/