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hpr0989 :: Juiced Penguin 079 – Early Spring

A visit to the "Juiced Penguin" podcast

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Hosted by Various Creative Commons Works on Thursday, 2012-05-17 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
PodSafe music, Oggcast. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:50:15
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Syndicated Thursdays.

A chance to showcase other Creative Commons works. We try to expose podcasts, speeches, presentations, music, etc that you may not have heard. If you have suggestions for items then send your recommendation to admin at hpr and we'll add it to the queue.

Today it's the turn of Juiced Penguin, which are A musical Oggcast for the Ogg community. Est. Jan 26, 2009

A musical Oggcast for and by the Ogg community. PodSafe music from all genres. Rock, Blues, Metal, Country, Classical, etc… Any Flavor of music is welcome to be showcased. Listener supported, meaning you have the opportunity to DJ up your own stuff. If you want to do a regular show GREAT, if you just want to do one show, that’s great too. Tune in and listen, or submit a show so everyone can listen. May contain explicit material (dirty words) ;)
Contact: feedback (at) juicedpenguin (dot) com

Todays show was put together by terryf

Todays Host: terryf

Todays Oggcast art is from
You can also find us on the Internet Archive
Follow Juiced Penguin on Google+

Band: Song
1.) The Dada Weatherman: Yellow Gold
2.) 100 Damned Guns: Wish I could die
3.) Sean T Wright: The Calling
4.) Bourland: Honkytonk Delilah
5.) Sungod Abscondo: Monster
6.) Routine Homecoming: God & the Saddest Song
7.) Flat People: Everybody’s Got A Syndrome Here
8.) Kyle Cox: Company
9.) Austen Brauker: Backward
10.) Michael Bergmann: Shithouse Explodes
11.) PSYCHOHORSES WHJK: Maison rouge chambre verte ainsi

If you would like to submit an episode, please email
us at: feedback (at) juicedpenguin (dot) com
Suggestions and Comments are always welcomed.



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