hpr0991 :: Making a Music Sampler with Midi and Pygame
Using Python Pygame and a Midi controller to make a sampler
Hosted by bgryderclock on Sunday, 2012-05-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Python, Pygame, MIDI, sampler.
(Be the first).
Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 00:09:50
Download the transcription and
Pygame Midi documentation:
Pygame Mailing List:
Midi.py sample from pygame example folder:
Sampler/Sound Looper made from python, pygame and midi:
Sample values that populate midi_events variable:
Middle C note key press (notice the data1 is 60 and data2 is 127)
<Event(34-Unknown {'status': 144, 'vice_id': 2, 'timestamp': 6701, 'data1': 60, 'data3': 0, 'data2': 127})>
Middle C note key release (notice the data1 is 60 and data2 is 0)
<Event(34-Unknown {'status': 128, 'vice_id': 2, 'timestamp': 6764, 'data1': 60, 'data3': 0, 'data2': 0})>
Middle C# note key press (notice the data1 is now 61)
<Event(34-Unknown {'status': 144, 'vice_id': 2, 'timestamp': 206684, 'data1': 61, 'data3': 0, 'data2': 127})>
Python code snippet that pulls the note number from the midi_events list and appends an "off" string if it is a key release.
if str(midi_events[0][0][2]) != "0": midinote = str(midi_events[0][0][1]) else: midinote = str(midi_events[0][0][1]) + "off"
Controlling sounds with if statements and our midinote variable:
distbassrollloop = pygame.mixer.Sound("7FullCircleDistBassRollLoop.wav") distsnarerollloop = pygame.mixer.Sound("7FullCircleDistSnareRollLoop.wav") distbass = pygame.mixer.Sound("7FullCircleDistBassPad.wav") distsnare = pygame.mixer.Sound("7FullCircleDistSnare.wav") if midinote == "48": distbass.play() if midinote == "49": distbassrollloop.play(1000) if midinote == "49off": distbassrollloop.stop() if midinote == "50": distsnare.play() if midinote == "51": distsnarerollloop.play(1000) if midinote == "51off": distsnarerollloop.stop()
Contact info:
bgryderclock on Google+:
bgryderclock on Twitter:
bgryderclock on Identica:
- https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/midi.html
- https://www.pygame.org/wiki/info
- https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame/src/25e3f2cee879/examples/midi.py
- https://www.pygame.org/project-BadPenni+-+MIDI+Triggered+Sound+Looper-1734-.html
- https://plus.google.com/u/0/114032638902983586355
- https://twitter.com/bgryderclock
- https://identi.ca/bgryderclock