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hpr0924 :: LiTS 000: redirection

Redirection: what it is and how to use it

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Hosted by Dann on Wednesday, 2012-02-15 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
redirection. 1.

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Duration: 00:16:44
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Linux in the Shell.

Linux In The Shell aims to explore the use of many commands a user can run in the Bash Shell. Tutorials include a write up with examples, an audio component about the write up, and a video component to demonstrate the usage of the command.
The website is

Welcome to the first entry of Linux in the Shell. Before delving into specific commands, redirection will be explored as redirection will be used frequently in the examples going forward. The Unix philosophy posits program simplicity and that a program should do one thing and do it well (Mike Gancarz, the Unix Philosophy). Eric Raymond adds the Rule of Composition: "Design programs to be connected to other programs." Redirection is the glue that achieves this design.

Redirection is applied to any of the following standard streams to achieve results beyond simply outputting some value from a single command:

Standard Input (stdin) – 0
Standard Output (stdout) – 1
Standard Error (stderr) – 2

For the rest of this article and accompanying video please go to
The video can be downloaded


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Comment #1 posted on 2012-02-16 13:18:35 by Deltaray

Great show

Great show Dann. You spoke very clearly and were obviously prepared. Well done. Since shell stuff can be quite thick at times, maybe after every few minutes you should just take a breather to allow people to catch up. Maybe a joke or story or something. I liked all the philosophical stuff you started out with. Its good for beginners to hear all that.

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