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hpr0864 :: Opentech Conference 2011: Glen Mehn, SI Camp

Opentech Conference in London, interview with Glen Mehn of Social Innovation Camp

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Hosted by Robin Catling on Wednesday, 2011-11-23 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Duration: 00:18:28
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Hello world and welcome to our show on Hacker Public Radio. This episode is our de-brief on the Opentech Conference in London, plus an interview with Glen Mehn of Social Innovation Camp by my co-host is Les Pounder

OpenTech 2011

Saturday 21st May 2011,Union Building, University of London.

Interview: Glen Mehne of Social Innovation Camp:

Social Innovation Camp brings together ideas, people and digital tools to build web-based solutions to social problems – all in just 48 hours

OpenTech 2011 is an informal, low cost, one-day conference on slightly different approaches to technology, transport and democracy. Talks by people who work on things that matter, guarantees a day of thoughtful talks leading to conversations with friends.

Your Hosts:

The full circle podcast is the companion to Full Circle Magazine, the Independent Magazine for the Ubuntu Community Find us at

Feedback; you can post comments and feedback on the podcast page at fullcirclemagazine dot org forward slash podcast, send us a comment to podcast (at)

Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard

Runtime: 18mins 26seconds


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