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hpr0863 :: Tony Hughes Free Cycle

In today's show Ken talks to Tony Hughes about how he got into Linux

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Tuesday, 2011-11-22 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Free Cycle, Xubuntu, Ucubed, Software Freedom Day, BLACKPOOL LUG. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:07:30
Download the transcription and subtitles.


The Freecycle Network

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Freecycle Network (often abbreviated TFN or just known as Freecycle) is a non-profit organization registered in the state of Arizona, USA, and separately registered as a UK charity, that organizes a worldwide network of "gifting" groups, aiming to divert reusable goods from landfills. It provides a worldwide online registry, and coordinates the creation of local groups and forums for individuals and non-profits to offer and receive free items for reuse or recycling, promoting gift economics as a motivating cultural outlook. "Changing the world one gift at a time" is The Freecycle Network's official tagline.


Xubuntu is a community developed, Ubuntu-based Linux operating system that is well-suited for both laptops and desktops. It contains all the applications you need - a web browser, document and spreadsheet editing software, instant messaging and much more.


LibreOffice is the power-packed free, libre and open source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and GNU/Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. You, too, can get involved!


What is Ucubed?
UCubed is an event that focuses on Ubuntu and Debian based distributions, and encourages users to become more involved in the community.

Software Freedom Day

Software Freedom Day is a global celebration and education of why transparent and sustainable technologies are now more important than ever. With over 200 teams in 60 countries participating, it is a fantastic event to get your schools and communities involved in. Go along to your local event or start your own event and meet a wide range of people, all working together to help ensure our freedoms are maintained by the technologies of tomorrow.


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Meetings every Saturday 10-12 excluding school holidays
At 29-35 Ripon road, Blackpool. FY1 4DY

Format -
'Free for all' open day.
Members, non members, friends, passers by, everybody welcome.

Ripon road is residents only parking, don't get a parking ticket

Link to map :- Ripon road, Blackpool FY1 4DY
The sign says: PCRECYCLER LTD.
Use the buzzer/intercom on the wall next to the door in the yard to get in.

Picture of Ripon road building by Jim Huntsman:-

Ripon road

LUG Main contact:-
Mike Hewitt
Tel 01253 293258 between 10-2, Mon,Tue,Thur,Friday.


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