hpr0854 :: All In IT Radio0007 - Should Cars Get Smarter ?
Syndicated Thursday welcomes All In IT Radio
Hosted by Seetee on Wednesday, 2011-11-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Intelligent cars, Nokia, Meego.
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Duration: 01:11:59
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Syndicated Thursdays.
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Welcome to syndicated Thursday on Hacker Public Radio
Today we hilight the Hello and welcome to All In IT Radio! https://aiit.se/radio/
Hello and welcome to All In IT Radio!
Join us as we talk about everything related to Information Technology, and some other random stuff as well. Help us, as we try to find how IT relate to everyone of us, and what the story headlines really mean.
This is a show made by Swedes, in english. Some think this is endearing, other think it is stupid. You are welcome to listen to us strugle with the language barrier any way.
On your right, you find the episodes, at the bottom you can (and should) subscribe to our feed and in the upper right corner you can stream the latest show.
We release a new episode when we feel like it.
Welcome to All In IT Radio! :-)
Episode 0007 - Should Cars Get Smarter?
Then you won't miss any new shows. There are feeds for both ogg and mp3. You may also find other formats at Archive.org.
How intelligent should your car really be? What will happen to the MeeGo operating system now that Nokia has abandoned the project? Will the new guy contribute to the show in any way? (Spoiler: He did.)
Duration: 56:05
Show notes
On it's way...
- https://www.genivi.org/ABOUT/GENIVIMembers/tabid/430/Default.aspx
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeeGo_%28operating_system%29
- https://www.automotorsport.se/news/22366/saab-satsar-p%C3%A5-iqon--infotainment-med-android/
- https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2011/06/nokias-new-meego-based-n9-is-set-up-for-failure.ars
- https://www.engadget.com/2011/06/23/nokias-first-windows-phone-images-and-video/
- https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=nokia+3110c
- https://bixhorn.com/?p=125
- https://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/kinectsdk/about.aspx
Let us wrap this up!
To reach us: Send your message to the group !aiitr at Identi.ca or mark it with hashtag #aiitr at Twitter, you find us at both Identi.ca and Twitter at @AlltInomIT and you find Henrik at @Sonnergard and @Warpfuz.
Theme music today by The Motyw / Wojciech Wszelaki.
Music is CC BY-SA 3.0