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hpr0853 :: Pat Volkerding of Slackware Linux chats with Klaatu

Pat Volkerding of Slackware Linux at the SELF afterparty

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Hosted by Klaatu on Tuesday, 2011-11-08 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Slackware. 8.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:48:08
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Pat Volkerding of Slackware Linux chats with Klaatu and whomever happens to wander by (Maco, Vincent Batts, Chad Wallenberg, and others) at the SELF afterparty.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Slackware is a free and open source Linux-based operating system. It was one of the earliest operating systems to be built on top of the Linux kernel and is the oldest currently being maintained. Slackware was created by Patrick Volkerding of Slackware Linux, Inc. in 1993. The current stable version is 13.37, released on April 27, 2011.
Slackware aims for design stability and simplicity, and to be the most "Unix-like" Linux distribution, making as few modifications as possible to software packages from upstream and using plain text files and a small set of shell scripts for configuration and administration.

photo of Pat Volkerding

Warning: this is not a proper interview, just 40 minutes of aimless and fairly noisy chit chat at a party. So it's probably not for everyone, although if you're a Slackware fan then it might be of some interest.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-11-17 14:47:07 by Miguel

Worst interview ever?

Comment #2 posted on 2011-11-19 01:35:00 by gg

I personally really enjoyed the inteview. I knew Pat was a guy with a
variety of interests, but had no idea a Linux guru would also be so
into new age spirituality e.g. McKenna, incense, etc.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-11-19 14:43:43 by Hugh


Everything Pat says is good as far as all good Slackers are concerned... Praise Bob. LOL

Comment #4 posted on 2011-11-21 06:09:49 by Ken Fallon

Any topic that is of interest to Hackers

Cross posting :)

It's not often that I comment on HPR episodes - other than to beg for you to send them in -but I want to make an exception for today's show. Episode 0853 :: Pat Volkerding of Slackware Linux chats with Klaatu

I'm not making this exception because it was "better", I would find it impossible to make such a call. The HPR community produces a massive amount of content and I have listened to every single one at least once. There has not been a single HPR show that I have not enjoyed and learned from.

Nor is it that it was submitted by Klaatu as given that he has submitted 12 1/2% of all shows, I would have written this long before now. Sure today's 'topic' was special - a interview with Patrick Volkerding the man behind SlackWare, the longest continually developed Linux distribution - but we've had other interviews with people of note before.

The reason for this deviation is simply because it embodies the qualities that I feel define Hacker Public Radio.

It's about taking a topic and exploring it, looking at all sides, exposing otherwise hidden and unknown facts, it's about events, it's about community, it's about people, it's about technology, it's about music, it's about history, it'a about life, it's about questioning - everything - our very existence - space time - ancient cultures. In short it's about "Any topic that is of interest to Hackers"

If you have never listened to a HPR then this is surely the best sample of what you are likely to find. Sure it arrived just in time to fill an otherwise empty slot, the audio isn't perfect, it might not follow a script, random people wander in and out, there may be tangents from the topic at hand but if you can open your ears to listen you'll hear the passion of the community, our community. Then maybe, just maybe, you too will be inspired to share your unique point of view with us.

Comment #5 posted on 2011-12-14 09:33:55 by lee

confused -


I am a long time linux user who started with Red Hat 5.1 and has worked consistently with Red Hat and Debian-based distros ever since. I have never really given Slackware much thought.

I noticed in the photo above that the URL for slackware is given as When entered in my browser, I get a site offering windows applications for download.

Just thought I should warn people that the correct URL for slackware is .

Is this an old photo perhaps?

Comment #6 posted on 2012-04-01 16:50:13 by Jason


Just a note that the picture is from 2000. Also, freaking hilarious interview. After 5 minutes of back story about the incense he's about to light: "Oh wait this may be the wrong stick". LOL

Comment #7 posted on 2012-04-02 04:53:06 by Ken Fallon

The photo is from wikipedia

So if you have a newer one you know where to send it (also to us :) )

Comment #8 posted on 2013-01-13 21:03:14 by Dustin Reeves


really enjoyed this podcast, been following slackware since about 9.1 (2004~), while i dont actively use the distribution, ive always enjoyed reading patricks thoughts on software release cycles, and being as stable as possible. when this podcast strayed from the technical, it took us in a great new unexpected direction (who thought patrick was into mckenna?). really enjoyed, would love to hear more podcasts in the same vein.



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