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hpr0821 :: Why Android tablets suck !

Mr. Gadgets discusses his experiences with various Android tablets

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Hosted by MrGadgets on Sunday, 2011-09-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
resistive screen, Android apps, Google marketplace, Amazon marketplace. 4.

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Duration: 00:48:07
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In today's show Mr. Gadget discusses his history with Android tablets.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-09-26 21:16:28 by TheL0grus

This has to be one of the worst reviews I have ever heard. I am typing this on my Acre a500 tablet. I spent a lot of time researching the tablet I wanted before I purchased one which the reviewer clearly didn't do. My first choice is this one

Comment #2 posted on 2011-09-28 16:46:37 by Brad

Amazon Kindle Fire

I'm excited to say that Amazon has their 'Android' Kindle Fire tablet available for pre-order. I found out about it while listening to your tablet rant, and thought it would make a good update.

Thanks for all the content Mr. Gadget, keep up the good work!

Comment #3 posted on 2011-09-29 02:09:27 by John

I agree...

This is a copy of a post I made a while back about Android stuff...
John Zimm - Aug 22, 2011 - Limited
"This is my response to Bryan on LAS and his ideas on HP and Linux ect.. I am a newbie to Linux. I have completely switched over to it. So, here I am enjoying my old HP desktop with Pentium 4. Then I learn about the bearded dude, and I loved what he is saying about GNU. So I started to feel like this whole Linux thing isn’t fake and is not lying to me. That is important. For example, I got made when I heard new ideas were formulated and High schools did not teach me these new things because they were not what we had been taught in the past… no flexibility, no courage and no respect for us to change the school books to reflect how history really looked or what led up to it. Or how we are animals ect. ect. You get the picture. So, now, after watching LAS and listening to other shows, I am interested in paying the data plan (for the first time) and getting a smart phone. So, I was really confused when I heard everyone talk about Android this and Android that. I don’t give a shit about a cheap knock-off of Linux, or something that runs Linux in the background, or how ever you say it. I wanted to stick with what I just learned… LINUX. Everyone was talking about how flexible and scalable Linux is, but I can’t have it on my phone? So, I moved on. I started to get interested in tablets… HOLLY SHIT, THOSE RUN THAT STUPID ANDROID, FAKE LINUX TOO. Remember, I am a newbie, so I don’t have a sense of where things in Linux came from or started, or how great Android is. Sorry if I don’t appreciate Android. But let's get real, The big company Google, didn't fit into my new found ideals. But, I want my Mint 11 on a tablet. Is that to much to ask for. I hate that I am not smart. I am just a geek-wanna-be. I hate that I can’t pick one device at a time, (phone or tablet) and make Mint 11 run on it, then upload an iso for everyone to use. So, when I heard Bryan say that about how we should not be relying on other OSs that can be pulled after 46 days… I am totally , totally totally, on board. I do have other skills, and maybe I can help in some way. Let’s get this BITCH rolling. When I used to daydream about this, I came up with naming the device that I was going to invent… wait for it… “L”. And after watching the LAS show, I came up with calling the distro, “GLD”, for GNU Linux Debian. PS,as I am about to hit share, I see a post below my,that says, "Touchdroid, Android for HP Touchpad Project Started". Why not Linux, for HP Touchpad project??????????????????????????"

Comment #4 posted on 2011-09-30 14:32:09 by Sawyer

tablets are utilitarian toys

i get were you are coming from mr. g. IMHO: Tablets are just the new gadget with which to lure the money out of your wallet. I was fortunate in getting a $99 dollar hp touchpad. (I'm a geek, i want a new gadget). It's a fun toy. WebOS is quiet good imo. The homebrew community has compiled new kernels, cli etc. I've got it overclocked. Good stuff. Still they are just shiny toys. Even when i can install a proper linux distro, it will still be just a convienient coffee table device for quickly surfing to get tv listings or watching youtube vids. Oh lest i forget it is a great ereader, though a bit heavy. I'm glad i have one, but i have better things to drop $500 on. One other thing. All these type devices are driven by the apps that consumers will buy. No apps no gadget goodness. Remember BeOS or OS2? Had them both at one time. Both stable and much better than Win3/95, but as a user there just wasnt much stuff beyond the os itself to do.
I would like someone to make an argument that these tablets are more than consumer trinkets mostly (latest status/ego boost hotness), i'd listen but i don't think it's going to happen.

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