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hpr0820 :: Setting up a web server and a mySQL server

Part 9 - configuring a web server and a MySQL server

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Hosted by Klaatu on Thursday, 2011-09-22 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
DHCP, DNS, web server, MySQL server, apache, nginx, lighttpd, virtual host. 5.

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Duration: 00:21:53
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This series will try and explain the basics of networking to the listener as well as introduce more detailed topics.

Klaatu continues his Networking Basics series with an overview on setting up and configuring a web server and a mySQL server.

Get the ogg vorbis version from the Gnu World Order.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-09-24 03:50:08 by DeepGeek

A Big-Name server you may not have considered

Hi, Klaatu,
Loved the podcast. Your idea of urging listeners to try different servers was great, but your choices of nginx, apache, and lighttpd seemed to indicate an interest in "big name" webservers.
I thought you might want to consider something else "big name." Did you know that the webserver that powers AOL, aolserver4, is an open-source project? Check out They boast not of some obscure benchmark, but rather of extreme scalability and a huge number of languages embedded and multiple API's, and multiple database platform support.
I haven't tired it myself, but I thought you'd like to know...

Comment #2 posted on 2011-09-26 02:43:53 by klaatu


well let's wait for AOL to prove themselves before we go jumping to adopt their server. I've personally not heard of them but I'll keep an eye out.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-10-04 12:34:23 by klaatu


It was brought to my attention that I say something like "it's better to have your server doing things like DHCP than to let your router handle it"

What I meant to say was...
"it's better FOR ME to have my server to DHCP and stuff than to let some little under-powered router do it" -- but of course your network will be different from mine, with different needs and different loads and all for you, it might make sense for you to just let your router handle DHCP.

If you have questions of course you can always email me and I'll answer whatever I can.

Comment #4 posted on 2011-10-05 21:14:50 by Philip Durbin

sites-enabled, sites-available

Being a Red Hat guy, I hadn't heard of Debian's sites-enabled, sites-available convention, but I found some more about it here:

On Red Hat systems, you could keep your VirtualHost config in /etc/httpd/conf.d/com_mysite_www.conf and disable it by changing the name to /etc/httpd/conf.d/com_mysite_www.conf.disabled. *.conf files in /etc/httpd/conf.d are included by default, as described here:

Comment #5 posted on 2011-10-06 13:07:52 by klaatu

nice tip

Thanks for the tip. It has just so happened that I haven't really run that many web servers on RHEL or Fedora. I'd like to do more but as long as I keep inheriting powerPC boxen I imagine it will continue to be Debian-based servers (thank you Debian!)

But I like this tip, so thanks.

BTW if anyone is messing around with Drupal on a Fedora server, there's a nifty rpm, i think called drupal7, which centralizes the core drupal stuff into /usr/shared/ and allows you to symlink stuff in /var/www to point to the drupal sites. Really fun stuff.

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