hpr0779 :: 10 Buck Review: War Games
The 10 Buck Review podcast do a colorful, detailed review of the classic thriller: WarGames
Hosted by Lord Drachenblut (R.I.P.) on Thursday, 2011-07-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
10 Buck Review.
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Duration: 02:16:27
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Lord D Film Reviews.
A memorial series dedicated to our late host Lord Drachenblut Five categories, each rated 0, 1, or 2, so that the final reviews range anywhere from 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst film ever, and 10, the best. Each category asks two yes-or-no questions. If the answer to both is no, that category gets a 0. If only one is a yes, it gets a 1. If both are a yes, it gets a 2.Plot
Main characters
Today on HPR we dip into the past and pluck out a gem for our Syndicated Thursday slot.
Taken from https://tenbuckreview.net/2010/episode-13-wargames-2/
Would you like to play a game? How about a nice game of thermonuclear war? Strap in as we review a classic movie about hacking and nuclear tensions.
Special Thanks go to Kilroy2.0 for the intro bumper and not hijacking our site for his own purposes yet. As well as DualCore for the permission to play there track War Games for the closing music.