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Hacker Public Radio

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Lord Drachenblut (R.I.P.)

Thumbnail of Lord Drachenblut (R.I.P.)
: 24


hpr1749 :: Scale 13x Part 6 of 6

Thursday, 2015-04-16. 00:23:45. Explicit. general.
scale 13x, young geeks, programming, amateur radio.

Justin King browser based emulated computer

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1748 :: Scale 13x Part 5 of 6

Wednesday, 2015-04-15. 01:08:26. Explicit. general.
scale 13x, LinHES, robots, Michael Hall, Ubuntu, ovirt project.

Four interviews from Scalex13

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1747 :: Scale 13x Part 4 of 6

Tuesday, 2015-04-14. 00:52:30. Explicit. general.
scale 13x, perl, Open stack, Girls in tech LA,, SaltStack.

Five interviews from Scale x13

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1746 :: Scale 13x Part 3 of 6

Monday, 2015-04-13. 00:53:20. Explicit. general.
scale 13x, lpi, one course source, elementary OS, opensource robotics, syslogng, think penguin, kodi.

Eight interviews from Scale 13x

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1744 :: Scale 13x Part 2 of 6

Thursday, 2015-04-09. 01:02:50. Explicit. general.
scale 13x, postgres sql, Bryan Lunduke, OpenSuSe.

Postgres SQL in Space, Bryan Lunduke, and OpenSuSe Build Service

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1743 :: Scale 13x Part 1 of 6

Wednesday, 2015-04-08. 01:07:59. Explicit. general.
scale 13x, Docker, Fedora, Matthew Miller.

Lord Drachenblut at Scale 13x. Today Docker, Fedora Activity Day, Matthew Miller Fedora Project Lead

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1175 :: how to start irssi in screen after reboot

Friday, 2013-02-01. 00:04:45. Explicit. general.
cron, screen, crontab, reboot.

Using cron to start screen after a reboot and run irssi in it

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr779 :: 10 Buck Review: War Games

Thursday, 2011-07-28. 02:16:27. Explicit. Lord D Film Reviews.
10 Buck Review.

The 10 Buck Review podcast do a colorful, detailed review of the classic thriller: WarGames

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr659 :: 10 Buck Review - Serenity

Thursday, 2011-02-10. 01:03:28. Explicit. Lord D Film Reviews.
10 Buck Review.

10 Buck Review covers Serenity, a follow-up to the television series, Firefly

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr475 :: Lord Drachenblut Interviews Scott Sigler

Saturday, 2009-10-31. 00:16:12. Explicit. Interviews.
interview, books, audiobooks, audio setup, podiobooks.

In this episode Lord Drachenblut Interviews Scott Sigler

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr447 :: Lord Drachenblut Recovers Data After a Failed Dist-Upgrade

Thursday, 2009-09-17. 00:06:48. Explicit. general.
data recovery, dist-upgrade.

Lord Drachenblut learns about data recovery

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr356 :: BBS

Wednesday, 2009-05-13. 00:29:46. Explicit. general.
BBS, Searchlight, Searchlight BBS, PCBoard, PCB, PCBoard BBS, Messaging, File Sharing, Nodes, Node.

HPR members reminisce about using and operating Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.172 :: Torrent Flux

Monday, 2006-10-23. 00:07:21. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.153 :: How to make your own xbox usb adpapter

Monday, 2006-09-18. 00:04:28. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.138 :: Soft Moding an Xbox

Thursday, 2006-08-17. 00:09:52. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.120 :: Firefox Secrets

Wednesday, 2006-05-31. 00:05:40. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.55 :: Listen

Wednesday, 2006-01-04. 00:08:25. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

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