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hpr0712 :: Linux Jazz - Recording my Audio

Bariman discusses recording techniques and equipment.

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Hosted by Bariman on Monday, 2011-04-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
linux, music, jazz, recording. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:12:50
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Shows about Bariman's experience as a jazz musician using Linux

My thanks to Pokey and ClaudioM for their kind comments on my first show.

Recording . . .
How I record the show and use Linux in support of my jazz activities and work-flow.
Set up and Gear:
Main microphone - Behringer USB Condenser Microphone C-1U with boom mike stand and 'pop' screen.
Sennheiser e815S with a Tascam US-100 Audio Interface or Zoom H4n Recorder.
Audio Capture:
Behringer USB mike straight into Audacity on an EeePC.
(Klaatu's config file is at

Processing . . .
Laptops Asus EeePC 1005HA and a Sony Vaio VGN-BX297.
All recordings saved as WAV or FLAC files initially.
Spoken part of the show is scripted and each segment recorded separately.
Assembly of segments and audio in Audacity, with adjustments, fades and overlaps, etc.
Exported and mixed down into composite, sterio, MP3 file.

Music Production . . .
Music writing, arranging and composing: Band-In-A-Box 2009 and Sibelius 5 as there is no suitable Linux equivalents.
Using Virtualbox with Windows XP.
Band-In-A-Box use of sampled sounds for the backing voices.

Use of Band-In-A-Box and Sibelius. I just wish there was the equivalent software the Linux to do this kind of thing I would move there 'in a flash' if I could find some.

Other Activities . . .
Problem with keeping files up to date when using multiple machines.
Use of 'Dropbox' is my solution.
Folders moved from 'Dropbox' to large 1TB external drive when projects are complete.

Next time . . .
Linux software in the production of websites and other uses.

My website and Blog . . . At '' and I am on Twitter as 'tonydenton.'
My Identica name is 'Bariman' and I am on IRC, also as 'Bariman.'


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-04-26 17:33:38 by klaatu

config file

Glad you're enjoying the config file helpful, and that it speeds up the work. I find the same to be true, obviously :-)

I love the jazz segue music between segments. Super cool. You should record some loops and post on so I can steal them.

Also, that Zoom h4n is AMAZING!!! I sometimes get a chance to use one when recording voice-over talent, and I am always floored by the sound quality.

-- klaatu

Comment #2 posted on 2011-04-26 23:16:32 by claudiom

Another Great One!

Another great episode! I thoroughly enjoyed this one just as I did the last one. I'll definitely consider the microphones you've used as well as klaatu's Audacity config file. I also agree with klaatu on the jazz segues you've used. Was that you playing on them? Either way, it was fantastic. Oh, and thanks for the shout-out. I'm also glad to hear that you're enjoying LinBasement. Cheers!

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