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hpr0710 :: spics on tech

The Spics on Tech podcast inroduce themselves, and explain how they got into computing

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Thumbnail of sikilpaake and badbit
Hosted by sikilpaake and badbit on Friday, 2011-04-22 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
computing, linux. 6.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:37:14
Download the transcription and subtitles.

spics on tech.

sikilpaake & badbit team up to give us a Mexican view of the hacker world.

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reminiscing c64 and old junk from flea markets excuses hacker practice cultural studies ensenada hackerspace


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-04-22 18:49:35 by pokey

Great episode. Welcome to HPR.

Thanks for contributing such an interesting show. I liked hearing it, and I hope you guys do keep up a by-weekly schedule, because I'm looking forward to it. You said you don't think anyone would listen, but it was good.

You'd be surprised how many people actually listen to HPR, and I suspect most listeners won't skip your show. It's something we haven't heard here before. Mexico's culture is something lots of us (especially in the Northern US) know nothing at all about. Mexico's hacking culture is even more interesting. I can't wait for your next show.

Please get in touch with me on IRC, or on the HPR mailing list so I can send you guys some HPR stickers (If you want some). badbit, I'll send you a few extra for your hacker space if you want. I haven't sent any to Mexico yet, so it would be a real treat for me too.

sikilpaake, the word you were looking for is "doorway." You have doorways with no doors in them. That's pretty rough, man.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-04-23 16:37:07 by klaatu

Great Ep

Great episode. I had no idea what to expect but I'm hooked. BASIC books in espanol in Pick n' Save ... FTW.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-04-23 22:28:51 by Quvmoh

great show

cant wait to hear about the hacker space, scared me to death when one of you cleared your throat in my left ear while the music was playing :-)

Comment #4 posted on 2011-05-09 06:32:43 by diablomarcus

Loved it!

This was a great show and I really enjoyed it.

One suggestion though:
Could you mix the voices onto either Mono or to share the two voices on stereo (audacity can do either one)?

I usually listen to podcasts on only my right earphone so for the first part of the episode I was only able to hear one half of the conversation.


Comment #5 posted on 2011-05-12 10:59:13 by pokey

LOL diablomarcus... me too

The same thing happened to me, but I wear my earbud in my left ear. So between the two of us, we got the whole show. ;)

Luckily, I have rockbox on my clip+, and I was able to adjust it to output in mono, because this was a great episode.

Comment #6 posted on 2011-05-13 05:04:59 by Ken Fallon

sox to the rescue

I mix down all my podcasts with sox to
mono using the "remix -" option. The tempo option speeds them up keeping the pitch.

sox "${FILE}" "${FILE}-faster-${SPEED}.ogg" -V9 tempo ${SPEED} remix -

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