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hpr0639 :: Podcasts are not Radio

An explanation of the differences between radio and podcast time constraints

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Thumbnail of droops
Hosted by droops on Thursday, 2011-01-13 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
podcasting. 3.

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Duration: 00:04:14
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Radio hosts and Podcasters have different goals and ways to go about them. Do not follow my example, but instead keep your podcasts all about the content.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-01-14 19:28:09 by Tarnus

Haven't seen one yet that does that.

I listen to a lot of Podcasts, but I can't say I know a single Podcast that set's an exact time the show has to run. All of them tend to talk till they are done and rather tend to cut stuff/let stuff out when they feel it goes to long, but I've never seen the opposite.

Are there really that many podcastmakers around that are so "detemined" to do that?



Comment #2 posted on 2011-01-26 22:14:12 by sp0rus

Enjoyed the talk, Droops. I haven't seen too many people doing filler lately, but granted, I did trim down my podcast listening quite a bit.

I notice it more from the more professionally done shows, where the people have a background in radio, such as the TWiT network and such.

I do agree that a lot of the simply informative podcasts do need to cut the chitchat. If the purpose is to get a message across or teach something, do it and end it. I'll be thinking about this from now on when I'm recording something.

I think the most powerful statement you made was when you talked about every minute you waste is possibly 1000 minutes wasted around the world due to all the people's minutes you just wasted. You said this very well, and I thank you for making the point.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-01-31 15:29:29 by droops

Thanks for the replies guys. I am super guilty of doing this, but hopefully I learn from my mistakes.

I was listening to a photography podcast with my wife the other day and it just went on and on with silly banter and no actual content. It was a bit on the extreme side, but I am not the only one.

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