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hpr0638 :: Urban Camping ep 6

Episode 6: making money

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Hosted by Klaatu on Wednesday, 2011-01-12 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
part-time job, odd job, business card, freelance, street performing. 3.

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Duration: 00:25:31
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Urban Camping.

Tips and tricks for the Urban Camper

Episode 6 of HOW TO be an Urban Camper. This one talks about making money whilst urban camping.

End song is "Play or Give me my Money Back" by Michael Tokarick via


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-01-19 20:25:30 by brother mouse

interesting and controversial

First off, thanks for putting together this string of shows. I am not in immediate danger of having to go camping but this is great preparedness info. I practice my camping skills (cooking, shelter building, fire for warmth, washing clothes) in my back yard. Wife thinks I'm crazy, but if it ever hits the fan I want to better my chances. She lost her job so the inspiration is a little clearer in my head these days.

I agree with you about how living a "normal" life really inflates the amount of $$$ one needs. I have daydreams about living on much less and with much less. One of those old Chinook microRVs would be neat. Or an old breadtruck...

I wouldn't feel comfortable begging or misrepresenting my affllliation (ie, greenpeace). My workaround, perhaps feeble, would be to provide some service (picking up trash in that area? playing an instrument as you describe?) and putting out a hat for that.

I will share that I really DETEST panhandling. Around my area panhandling is an excuse to get up close and size one up for robbery. I don't mind trashpicking, though. I have retrieved many useful items from bins. I always try to leave the area neater, not messed up.

I once read a tip about diving for food; said to make sure you could tell /why/ it was thrown out: expired, damaged, etc. If there was no clue to why it was thrown out that experienced camper said pass it by.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-01-20 13:50:45 by skirlet

well done !!

thanks for the show :D
i really like how you break it down like all the things one can do to "market" one's skill set. awesome awesome mini-series !!! right on. jus really good thinkin out of the box ideas. LOVE IT

Comment #3 posted on 2011-01-20 13:59:31 by klaatu


Thanks for the comment, Brother Mouse. I agree with what you're saying all around. I really don't care for straight up panhandling, although I have to say, it does work in a pinch for a lot of people.

As for dumpster diving, I don't think it's a good idea to literally Dive into Dumpsters for anything. If it's food one is after, it's a much better idea to make friends with the employees of the place and just intercept the food before it gets to the dumpster, and also have that layer of "Trust me dude, you don't want this stuff" protection.

Oh yeah, and I'm really enjoying your episodes too, Brother Mouse!

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