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hpr4381 :: What Omni-Instantness Makes To My Brain and Your Brain?

Is Social Media Good To You? (Be It Fedi Or Not)

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Thumbnail of Antoine
Hosted by Antoine on Monday, 2025-05-19 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC license.
Social Media Usage, Opinion. 2.

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Duration: 00:12:54
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Everything virtual...?

I hope the program be conducive to make you think straightly about this; short and long term.

Links cited:

Alzheimer’s Facts and Figures:

How Exercise Protects Your Brain’s Health:

Switching off: Sweden says back-to-basics schooling works on paper:

Brazil restricts use of smartphones in elementary and high schools:

The Brazilian Classroom: Same same, but very different:


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Comment #1 posted on 2025-03-19 16:07:36 by Ken Fallon

Interesting show.

I found this report from the BBC on a study by University of Birmingham saying "there is a lack of evidence to suggest banning phones in schools alone makes a difference when it comes to students’ grades, behaviour and wellbeing."

Comment #2 posted on 2025-03-20 01:47:53 by Antoine

Nice study =)

Hi, Ken! Thanks very much for the report on the study. Published this year, it is presented as "The first study in the world to look at school phone rules alongside measures of pupil health and education", at least peer-reviewed. So it's nice that we have a first conclusion on the topic.

As the law is recent in Brazil as a whole (states were already regulating it sparsely), *we only have perceptions of students and teachers, and specialists talk*, no "clear-data" studies; but I would bet one to be conducted here still 2025 or beginning of 2026, with data collected orderly and systematically. And then, when it comes, I'll try to remember to post that here, to share the (same or another) conclusion being outlined from another sources too. Thanks very much for contributing with my knowledge (in a subject I appreciate) and maybe other listeners of it too.

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